G.I. Joe 2016 Official Press Images

This past weekend, Hasbro unveiled the G.I. Joe 2016 roster that was initially teased in the crossword puzzle.  Attendees of Joe Con 2016 were able to get an up close look at the figures at the Hasbro booth.

Today, Hasbro released hi-res press images for the rest of us!

G.I. Joe 2016 lineup


As a reminder, here’s the roster of characters that we’ll be seeing this year across the forthcoming G.I. Joe 2016 “Versus two-packs” and squad three-packs.

G.I. Joe 2016 Versus two-packs

G.I. Joe 2016 Squad three-packs

These figures will be available November 2016 at Toys R Us and EntertainmentEarth.com.

WOO HOO!!!  New Joes are coming!!!!  Even though this a “quiet year” for the brand, the G.I. Joe 2016 lineup offers, to borrow a phrase, “something old, something new.”  The hard-to-find Zombie Vipers are a nice boon to collectors– especially since they will be packed two to a case.  In addition, new characters like Stiletto and Tombstone counter-balance the inclusion of Storm Shadow and Snake Eyes.  Plus, as it was pointed out by Chris John on the JBL Facebook page, the female Cobra Officer looks a bit familiar.

"Careful Destro, she'll cost you your ancestral home!"

“Careful Destro, she’ll cost you your ancestral home!”

What do you think of the G.I. Joe 2016 line-up?  Will be be adding any of these to your collection?  Let us know in the comments below, over on the JBL forums, or on the JBL Facebook page!

G.I. Joe Kindle Worlds Stiletto coming in November 2016

The G.I. Joe Kindle Worlds Stiletto figure is coming to Toys R Us and Entertainment Earth in November 2016!

I’m the first to admit it– this is a very slow news period for anything related to G.I. Joe right now.  Aside from new FSS figure drops from the G.I. Joe Collector’s Club, we’re in a slump until Joe Con 2016 next month.  However, yesterday the folks at Hasbro dropped a new article on Hasbro Pulse that pulls back the curtain on the development of the forthcoming fans’ choice Stiletto figure, originally created by author Bill Nedrow.

Hasbro Kindle Worlds Stiletto

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65% Off Select G.I. Joe Kre-O Sets Today Only!

G.I. Joe Kre-O Arashikage Dojo

EntertainmentEarth.com has put G.I. Joe Kre-O up as today’s Daily Deal!

That’s right, Joe fans!  Two of remaining G.I. Joe Kre-O sets are now 65% off for TODAY only!  They may be gone from Toys R Us shelves but this is one last chance to get a great price on the two remaining sets!  Plus, who doesn’t want a Kre-O HISS tank?

The prices are only good until 11:59pm PST TODAY July 25, 2015.  If you’re thinking of stocking up on some G.I. Joe Kre-O, now is the time!  Go! Go! GO!

G.I. Joe Kre-O Ghoststriker

G.I. Joe 50th Anniversary Wave 3 Two Packs are IN STOCK!

G.I. Joe 50th Anniversary 2 packs wave 3

Stop the presses!  The G.I. Joe 50th Anniversary Wave 3 Two Packs are now IN STOCK at EntertainmentEarth.com!

With the pre-orders selling out at ToysRUs.com in just a few hours this is a great way to get at least one of everything by ordering a case, with FREE SHIPPING, for $119.99.

This G.I. Joe 50th Anniversary Action Figures 2-Packs Wave 3 Case contains 8 individually packaged 2-packs:

  • 2x Classic Clash – Spirit vs. Storm Shadow
  • 1x Marine Devastation – Gung Ho vs. Cobra Shadow Guard
  • 2x Hunt for Cobra Commander – Shipwreck vs. Cobra Commander
  • 1x Swamp Steam – Blowtorch vs. Python Patrol Croc Master
  • 2x Troop Build Up – Steel Brigade vs. Iron Grenadier

Seriously– unless you’re someone who loves the retail hunt, here’s a great way to snag the G.I. Joe 50th Anniversary 2-packs from wave 3 and get a few extra troops to boot!  Just click on the link below and you’re all set.  (Plus, your purchase helps JBL in the process.)

Order G.I. Joe 50th Anniversary Action Figures 2-Packs Wave 3 Case from Entertainment Earth!

YO JOE!  Here comes GUNG-HO!

Thanks to my good buddy Mike Breaux of TheBreauxShow.com for the tip!

How Diamond Select is transforming my G.I. Joe collection

I’m a child of the 80’s.  While I was born in the early 70’s, my formative years took place firmly during the “decade of excess” and it made an indelible impression upon me.  My childhood was filled with many of the 80’s properties– the A-Team, Knight Rider, Airwolf, Back to the Future, MASK, Transformers, and a certain line of 1:18 scale military figures that were “Real American Heroes”.  (Sorry He-Man– you were just too goofy for my tastes.)

Some of these properties had toy lines that were compatible with G.I. Joe and some didn’t.  As a kid I’d have done just about anything to have Wild Bill flying Airwolf while KITT transported Chuckles and Shipwreck to rescue the A-Team who were pinned down by Cobra and the Decepticons.  However, it just didn’t happen.  Knight Rider had a VERY small toy line that consisted of some Hot Wheels cars and a larger “talking KITT”, MASK was too small, most Airwolf toys were die-cast, and the Galoob A-Team figures were– well, goofy at best.  (I still own a set, however.  Yeah I know… mark of shame.)

Last year’s release of the theatrical adaptation of the A-Team gave me some decent figures of the team and a van to boot.  (Still need to post a review of those too!)   Now the folks at Diamond Select Toys are helping me to fill in some other gaps.


Back to the Future: (Slated for October 2012)

I loved the BTTF films back in the day.  The twisting and overlapping plot line of Marty’s family life always held my attention but one of the real stars of the film was the Delorean.  Doc Brown said it best: “If you’re going to make time machine out of a car you might as well do it with some style!”  My favorite version?  The hover-conversion model from the beginning of Back to the Future 2.  It took the awesomeness of the Delorean, tossed on a “Mr. Fusion” home reactor, and gave us a hover conversion!  Seriously– what’s not to like about that?

Well, along came Diamond with their BTTF line and VOILA!  A 1:15 scale toy that will seat G.I. Joe/Star Wars/1:18 scale figures!!  Imagine the possibilities– now that 25th Anniversary Matt Trakker figure has a ride of his own!


Check out this video of the prototype… meant to leave our mouths watering for more:

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