50th Anniversary Heavy Conflict and Mission Accepted reviews

The Heavy Conflict and Mission Accepted G.I. Joe two-pack reviews are LIVE!

G.I. Joe Heavy Conflict Mission Accepted reviews

It’s been a while since we’ve had any new reviews here at JBL.  The holidays, a lost family pet, and some crazy workloads led to a crazy few weeks here at JBL HQ.  However, we’re getting back on track and that means not one but TWO brand-new reviews from the G.I. Joe 50th Anniversary Collection, year 3!

Check out what Fred and Chris have to say about the four figures from the Heavy Conflict and the Mission Accepted two-packs!  It’s a brand new take on Heavy Duty and Duke and the debut of Fan’s Choice figure Stiletto and Tombstone!

There’s some good.  There’s some bad.  There’s a few rants by Chris and some snark from Fred.  There may even be a Deadpool cameo or three.  However, there’s something that almost everyone can find to love in both the Heavy Conflict and the Mission Accepted two-packs.  After all, what’s not to love about the return of two familiar faces as well as the debut of two brand-new characters?  Well… if I told you then you wouldn’t have to read the reviews!  (Unless you just want to look at the pretty pictures.  That’s okay too.  Really.  This way you don’t have to deal with another “Chris rant.”)

You can check out all four reviews over at the G.I. Joe 50th Anniversary Review Index!


G.I. Joe Zombie Patrol two-pack review

JBL reviews the new G.I. Joe Zombie Patrol two-pack– featuring the reissue of the highly sought-after Zombie Viper!

Zombie Patrol Zombie Vipers

Our server migration is finally complete and almost everything seems to be working on the back end.  (FINALLY!)  As such, it’s time to get back to business around here when it comes to reviews!  For the new crop of 50th Anniversary product I’ll be tackling some of the reissue sets solo. Chris and I will team up for the new release figure sets.

Case-in-point: the Zombie Patrol two-pack!

This set was initially released during my self-imposed hiatus from the online community.  (I pretty much took off the time arom Rise of Cobra through Retaliation.)  The Zombie Viper was part of the 30th Anniversary line which weaved the notion of the mysterious Compound Z throughout several waves.   The figures proved to be a hit with fans but were challenging to find at retail and now command some solid prices on the secondary market.  Thankfully, Hasbro listened to the fans and the Zombie Patrol two-pack was released in November at Toys R Us and BigBadToyStore.com.

Is this set worth all of the hype?  Are the Zombie Vipers all that they’re cracked up to be?  Didn’t people get enough of them the first time around?

Check out the Zombie Patrol two-pack review over at the 50th Anniversary Review Index and find out one Joe fan’s opinion!

2016 G.I. Joe figures up for pre-order at BigBadToyStore.com

Looking for the new 2016 G.I. Joe figures and don’t have ready access to a Toys R Us?  Look no further!

2016 G.I. Joe two-packs

When Hasbro first announced the 2016 G.I. Joe line-up it was stated that these figures would hit retail “November 2016.”  In spite of this fact, pre-orders for that line have been virtually non-existent.  However, over the past few days sightings have started pouring in from various Toys R Us locations ranging from Louisiana to Texas to Illinois where the release date seems to have been broken.

Yesterday, online retailer BigBadToyStore opened up pre-orders for the 2016 G.I. Joe line— from individual two-packs and three-packs to full sets and even cases of the three packs.

The FULL inventory is available here.  However here are two quick links that will get you “one of each” of each set available.  (Note, these aren’t affiliate links.  JBL makes NOTHING from any orders placed by clicking on these.  We’re just trying to help out the community any way we can.)

G.I. Joe 2016 Vs two packs:

G.I. Joe 2016 Squad 3-packs

  • All Cobra packs and all Joe packs
  • Cobra Legion: BAT, SAW Viper, Female Cobra Officer (with pony tail)
  • Special Forces: NF Outback, NF Lt Falcon, Shooter! (w/ rifle case and rifle)

What did we learn about G.I. Joe at Toy Fair 2016

Toy Fair 2016

Toy Fair 2016 is now a distant memory.  The displays have been removed from the Javits Center, the vendors have gone home, and the internet press has left the Big Apple.  It was an exciting weekend filled with reveals, licensing announcements and more product debuts than a toy collector can shake an Episode 1 Jar-Jar Binks action figure at.  Yet the more time passes since the event has concluded, the more it would seem that people are debating a single topic:

What did we learn about G.I. Joe at Toy Fair 2016?

Normally this is a pretty straight forward question– one that is answered by Hasbro at their annual media blitz presentation.  However, this year, G.I. Joe wasn’t mentioned during any of the official announcements.  (Neither was the new semi-hyped “Hasbro Cinematic Universe” but more on that in a moment.)  In fact, if it weren’t for two individuals who were covering the event for entertainment sites that focus on a variety of toy lines, there might have been nary a peep mentioned about Joe anywhere.  However, thanks to JayC of ToyNewsI.com and Fran from ToyArk.com (aka Destro of HISSTank.com), we have two seemingly conflicting reports.   Or do we?  Fans have embraced one and questioned the other but do these two reports really conflict at all?  Pull up a chair and a frosty Yo Joe Cola and let’s take a look!

Continue reading

G.I. Joe 50th Swamp Steam 2-pack Review

G.I. Joe 50th Swamp Steam two-pack

The G.I. Joe 50th Anniversary Swamp Steam two-pack has been reviewed!

I’ll admit it– I’ve fallen a bit behind on getting these posted.  Too many trips on the road for work and some pesky house issues around the JBL photo setup have pushed reviews back a bit further than I would have liked.  Thankfully, after this week, much of the obstacles to publication will have been removed and we can get the review train rolling again!  After all, there are a few three packs and the Silent Strike set yet to cover!  (The Rock Rampage 3-pack continues to prove decidedly elusive.)

The Swamp Steam pack has the distinction of being the set that few people saw coming during the Hasbro reveals at Joe Con 2015.  Based on two cancelled Pursuit of Cobra figures, this set finally puts the more tactically-colored Blowtorch and the Python Patrol Croc Master in the hands of fans after a four year delay.

Was it worth the wait?  Are these figures worth adding to your collection?  Will the name “Swamp Steam” ever make sense?

Head on over the G.I. Joe 50th Anniversary Review Index and find out one Joe fan’s opinion!

G.I. Joe Classic Clash two-pack review

G.I. Joe Classic Clash two-pack

The G.I. Joe Classic Clash two-pack review has been posted!

He’s a native American tracker with a degree in psychology who can find anyone anywhere.  He’s a former assasin who comes from an ancient and mysterious ninja clan who once served as the bodyguard for the “most dangerous man alive.”  Together– they comprise the G.I. Joe Classic Clash two-pack!

Who’s the better figure – Spirit or Storm Shadow?  Does either one of them know where Freedom is?  Will Deadpool make a cameo?  Does any of these even matter?

Check out the two reviews from the G.I. Joe Classic Clash pack over in the G.I. Joe 50th Anniversary Review Index!

Also, for Joe fans who are having trouble finding these– EntertainmentEarth.com still has FULL CASES of two-packs available shipped for only $119.99!

Hunt for Cobra Commander two-pack review

G.I. Joe Hunt for Cobra Commander

The G.I. Joe Hunt for Cobra Commander two-pack review is now posted!

It’s been a bit of a busy week here at JBL HQ but that’s not stopping us from whittling our way through the new G.I. Joe 50th Anniversary two-packs!  This time, Fred takes a look at the Hunt for Cobra Commander set which pits the 2012 concept case Shipwreck up against a darker more sinister Cobra Commander.  These sets are just now hitting Toys R Us stores across the nation and full cases are STILL available at EntertainmentEarth.com for just $119.99.

Who will emerge victorious?  Do the red shoes help?  Should Deadpool make more cameos in reviews? Does it even matter?

Check out the Hunt for Cobra Commander Shipwreck and Cobra Commander reviews over in the G.I. Joe 50th Anniversary Review Index!

FYI – We want your feedback!  Either drop us a comment below or post thoughts on this set and our review over at the JBL Facebook page!  (Seriously, we love to talk G.I. Joe!)

G.I. Joe Marine Devastation Gung-Ho & Shadow Guard Reviews

G.I. Joe Marine DevastationThe G.I. Joe Marine Devastation two-pack reviews have been posted!

It feels like I’ve been waiting to pen this review for two years now— ever since this new Gung-Ho figure was unveiled at the end of Saturday’s events during the 2013 G.I. Joe Collector’s Convention in Indianapolis.  Two long years of waiting for a truly breath-taking update of my favorite Joe.  It wasn’t until this year’s Joe Con that the G.I. Joe Marine Devastation set was announced and Gung-Ho was finally slated for release.  Even better– he was being packaged with a sinister-looking Cobra Shadow Guard!

When the pre-orders for the new cases hit EntertainmentEarth.com, I jumped and within a few days the G.I. Joe Marine Devastation set was FINALLY in my greedy little hands.

Was it worth the wait?  Can any figure truly live up to two years of fan anticipation?

Check out the G.I. Joe Marine Devastation reviews over the G.I. Joe 50th Anniversary Review Index and then let us know your thoughts on these figures in the comments below!

Also, check back this week for more 2015 G.I. Joe 50th Anniversary Two-pack reviews!


SDCC 2015 Desert Duel review

SDCC 2015 Desert Duel


The SDCC 2015 Desert Duel exclusive set review has been posted!

This year was a pretty good year for SDCC exclusives.  The Crimson Strike set featured two new vehicle deco’s and four exclusive figures.  Yet, it only told half the story– which was completed in the Toys R Us exclusive SDCC 2015 Desert Duel set.  This set featured only two exclusive characters over the standard retail version that’s starting to hit stores now but it also introduced the Joe fandom to the upgraded FOE Striker and Cobra Basilisk!

Want to know what two long-time Joe fans thought of the SDCC 2015 Desert Duel set? Did the FOE Striker live up to the hype? Is the Cobra Basilisk going to replace the familiar HISS Tank any time soon?  Can Fred and Chris agree on anything this time around?

The answers to these questions and more await in the SDCC 2015 Desert Duel review!  You can check it out either by clicking on the image above for by visiting either the Exclusive Review Index or the 50th Anniversary Review Index here at JBL!

Plus, stay tuned to JBL as the first shipment of the 2015 50th Anniversary two-packs arrived today!

G.I. Joe 50th Anniversary Wave 3 Two Packs are IN STOCK!

G.I. Joe 50th Anniversary 2 packs wave 3

Stop the presses!  The G.I. Joe 50th Anniversary Wave 3 Two Packs are now IN STOCK at EntertainmentEarth.com!

With the pre-orders selling out at ToysRUs.com in just a few hours this is a great way to get at least one of everything by ordering a case, with FREE SHIPPING, for $119.99.

This G.I. Joe 50th Anniversary Action Figures 2-Packs Wave 3 Case contains 8 individually packaged 2-packs:

  • 2x Classic Clash – Spirit vs. Storm Shadow
  • 1x Marine Devastation – Gung Ho vs. Cobra Shadow Guard
  • 2x Hunt for Cobra Commander – Shipwreck vs. Cobra Commander
  • 1x Swamp Steam – Blowtorch vs. Python Patrol Croc Master
  • 2x Troop Build Up – Steel Brigade vs. Iron Grenadier

Seriously– unless you’re someone who loves the retail hunt, here’s a great way to snag the G.I. Joe 50th Anniversary 2-packs from wave 3 and get a few extra troops to boot!  Just click on the link below and you’re all set.  (Plus, your purchase helps JBL in the process.)

Order G.I. Joe 50th Anniversary Action Figures 2-Packs Wave 3 Case from Entertainment Earth!

YO JOE!  Here comes GUNG-HO!

Thanks to my good buddy Mike Breaux of TheBreauxShow.com for the tip!