50th Anniversary Heavy Conflict and Mission Accepted reviews

The Heavy Conflict and Mission Accepted G.I. Joe two-pack reviews are LIVE!

G.I. Joe Heavy Conflict Mission Accepted reviews

It’s been a while since we’ve had any new reviews here at JBL.  The holidays, a lost family pet, and some crazy workloads led to a crazy few weeks here at JBL HQ.  However, we’re getting back on track and that means not one but TWO brand-new reviews from the G.I. Joe 50th Anniversary Collection, year 3!

Check out what Fred and Chris have to say about the four figures from the Heavy Conflict and the Mission Accepted two-packs!  It’s a brand new take on Heavy Duty and Duke and the debut of Fan’s Choice figure Stiletto and Tombstone!

There’s some good.  There’s some bad.  There’s a few rants by Chris and some snark from Fred.  There may even be a Deadpool cameo or three.  However, there’s something that almost everyone can find to love in both the Heavy Conflict and the Mission Accepted two-packs.  After all, what’s not to love about the return of two familiar faces as well as the debut of two brand-new characters?  Well… if I told you then you wouldn’t have to read the reviews!  (Unless you just want to look at the pretty pictures.  That’s okay too.  Really.  This way you don’t have to deal with another “Chris rant.”)

You can check out all four reviews over at the G.I. Joe 50th Anniversary Review Index!


G.I. Joe Kindle Worlds Stiletto coming in November 2016

The G.I. Joe Kindle Worlds Stiletto figure is coming to Toys R Us and Entertainment Earth in November 2016!

I’m the first to admit it– this is a very slow news period for anything related to G.I. Joe right now.  Aside from new FSS figure drops from the G.I. Joe Collector’s Club, we’re in a slump until Joe Con 2016 next month.  However, yesterday the folks at Hasbro dropped a new article on Hasbro Pulse that pulls back the curtain on the development of the forthcoming fans’ choice Stiletto figure, originally created by author Bill Nedrow.

Hasbro Kindle Worlds Stiletto

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