G.I. Joe Collector’s Club releases Final Twelve figure images

All good things must come to an end.  Or, as is the case with the G.I. Joe Collector’s Club, all licenses must come to a conclusion.  Either way, the G.I. Joe Collector’s Club has released the last image of their “Final 12” roster of figures which will be going up for pre-order shortly. 

Since JBL has apparently been slacking off lately with individual reveals, here’s a look at each of the “two-packs” as well as some thoughts on the roster as a whole. 

The Final 12 – composite courtesy of the Surveillance Port

Just a quick note: it was announced at the last Joe Con that these figures would be sold in pairs.  If you want one– you have to get its pack-mate as well.  Without further adieu, let’s start the breakdowns…

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G.I. Joe 2016 Official Press Images

This past weekend, Hasbro unveiled the G.I. Joe 2016 roster that was initially teased in the crossword puzzle.  Attendees of Joe Con 2016 were able to get an up close look at the figures at the Hasbro booth.

Today, Hasbro released hi-res press images for the rest of us!

G.I. Joe 2016 lineup


As a reminder, here’s the roster of characters that we’ll be seeing this year across the forthcoming G.I. Joe 2016 “Versus two-packs” and squad three-packs.

G.I. Joe 2016 Versus two-packs

G.I. Joe 2016 Squad three-packs

These figures will be available November 2016 at Toys R Us and EntertainmentEarth.com.

WOO HOO!!!  New Joes are coming!!!!  Even though this a “quiet year” for the brand, the G.I. Joe 2016 lineup offers, to borrow a phrase, “something old, something new.”  The hard-to-find Zombie Vipers are a nice boon to collectors– especially since they will be packed two to a case.  In addition, new characters like Stiletto and Tombstone counter-balance the inclusion of Storm Shadow and Snake Eyes.  Plus, as it was pointed out by Chris John on the JBL Facebook page, the female Cobra Officer looks a bit familiar.

"Careful Destro, she'll cost you your ancestral home!"

“Careful Destro, she’ll cost you your ancestral home!”

What do you think of the G.I. Joe 2016 line-up?  Will be be adding any of these to your collection?  Let us know in the comments below, over on the JBL forums, or on the JBL Facebook page!

Joe Con 2016: Hasbro’s G.I. Joe 2016 lineup announced!

Hasbro unveiled their G.I. Joe 2016 plans and YoJoe.com was LIVE from Joe Con 2016 with a Facebook LIVE session directly from the  panel!  We’ve got the embedded video below after the notes.

Hasbro G.I. Joe 2016

We’ve got some hastily transcribed notes below.  Expect a cleaner article with some commentary later tonight as part of the Saturday Armchair Coverage round-up!

Hasbro Writer’s Room:

  • Combination of television/movie/comic book writers. Hasbro is very proud of the talent they have amassed.
  • Creation of a shared universe combining their intellectual properties. Officially dubbed “Hasbro Cinematic Universe”—separate from IDW.  Intended as multi-film story arc.  Goal is to start to develop shared and combined stories.  Derryl was able to spend two weeks with the writers and get to work with them on shaping this shared universe.

Joe vs Transformers SDCC set:

  • Deco is decal-based. Includes Joe, Cobra, Autobot decals. This way the toys can be whatever you want them to be in your own collection.
  • Soundwave is the 5th most-popular Decepticon but hard to justify now as a cassette tape. (Same with Megatron.)

Hasbro Pulse Crossword Puzzle includes all characters listed below:

  • Stiletto
  • Scarlett
  • Zartan

Derryl – Joe is in quieter year.  Harder to get resources to produce more figures during those years. In those years, previously tooled harder-to-find figures are ideal for re-release.  100% of tooling budget is used for NEW figures.

Toys R Us G.I. Joe 2016 line-up: (November 2016)

  • Focus on figures vs vehicle sets which were slow sellers
  • Two packs will be in a 10 pack case—ALL EVENLY PACKED!

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G.I. Joe Collector’s Club Night Force Lt. Falcon Reviewed!

Night Force Lt. Falcon

Ladies and gentlemen, the G.I. Joe Collector’s Club Night Force Lt. Falcon has arrived!

January’s Figure Subscription Service shipment brought two of my more anticipated figures right to my door in one convenient package.  Even better– this delivery helped to complete the Nocturnal Fire convention set roster!  JoeSightings.com admin Chris Chung stops by to offer this thoughts as two Joe fans examine the newest addition to both of our G.I. Joe collections!  Was he worth the wait?  Does he fit in with the Nocturnal Fire set?  Is he scared of the dark?

Check out the review in the G.I. Joe Collector’s Club Review Index and find out!

G.I. Joe Collector’s Club FSS Shipment 4 is Now Arriving!

G.I. Joe Collector's Club Figure Subscription Service 2.0

It’s a brand new year and the G.I. Joe Collector’s Club is ensuring that some fans will be starting 2014 with some brand-new Joes! That’s right, shipment #4 of the Figure Subscription Service is now shipping!

Now it’s become a big deal that some folks are discussing which figures are in the shipment as soon as they arrive.  I can understand that some people want to be surprised while others want to know which of the figures they paid nearly $30.00 each for are arriving.  I won’t sink to dragging this discussion down into the sewers by outright revealing who has arrived even though the internet is a conduit for information.   However, if you find yourself staying up all night with your curiosity piqued and want to seek out the answer like some sort of nocturnal bird-of-prey, then scroll down a bit further for some images courtesy of the G.I. Joe Reference Guide Facebook page.











Okay, you’ve been warned.  It’s Cesspool and Night Force Falcon!

Finally we’re getting to what I consider to be the real meat of FSS 2.0!  When the list was first announced at Joe Con 2014, these were two of the figures that convinced me to sign up, along with Dragonsky, Admiral Keel Haul, and Tollbooth.  Early images of Falcon spotted on the web show that he is a straight-up repaint of the Slaughter’s Marauder’s version but now features the web gear of the 30th Anniversary Cobra Trooper.  Cesspool utilizes the awesome 30th Anniversary Techno-Viper body and features an AMAZING new head sculpt from Boss Fight Studios.   Personally, I can’t wait for these two beauties to arrive in my mailbox– most likely on Tuesday!

So, there you have it– the identities of the next two figures. Just like the cartoon said: “And now you know…”

Check back later this coming week for two brand-new reviews of the latest FSS figures added to the Collector’s Club Review Index here at JBL!

G.I. Joe Collector’s Club Figure Subscription Service 2 is now LIVE!

G.I. Joe Collector's Club Figure Subscription Service 2.0

With a whirlwind of updates in the past 24 hours, the G.I. Joe Collector’s Club has announced that sign-up for the Figure Subscription Service 2.0 is now LIVE!!!  You can subscribe for the next 13 figures from now through May 22, 2013!

It all started with this image that was posted on the GIJCC Facebook page yesterday afternoon:

This image confirmed the line-up that was revealed at the 2013 GIJCC Roundtable at Joe Con this year.  To recap, this was the roster that was revealed:

  • Widescope
  • Dragonsky
  • Night Force Falcon (with new equipment)
  • Bombadier (UK)
  • Tiger Force Tripwire (Brazil)
  • Tiger Force Shipwreck (Brazil)
  • Admiral Keel Haul
  • Tool Booth
  • Cesspool
  • Skullbuster
  • Cobra Desert Scorpion
  • Big Bear

At that meeting just a few mock-up images were shown as Lanny confirmed he’d only just been able to put them together before leaving for Indy.  Now, the Club has unveiled FOUR preview images: Skullbuster, Night Force Falcon, Dragonsky, and Tiger Force Airtight!

Here’s the official word on FSS 2.0 directly from the Club’s website:

After the fantastic success of FSS 1.0, the G.I. Joe Collectors’ Club now brings you version 2.0! The FSS is only available to active club members. This service is an optional feature and is not included in the cost of your annual GIJCC membership.The FSS 2.0 subscription set will consist of twelve different carded 3 3/4″ figures. You will receive six shipments starting in approximately September/October of two figures each month. Figures will be shipped in a surprise sequence (figure pairs will be the same for everyone each month). It will be a surprise each month as to which figure pair you receive! Your last shipment (6th shipment) will include your FREE mystery carded 13th figure! The limited edition GIJCC Figure Subscription Service contains a variety of fan requested characters from all eras of the 3 3/4-inch G.I. Joe A Real American Hero collection. The assortment includes 25th Anniversary style figures of characters from the classic 80’s, 90’s, new-sculpt, foreign editions, and unreleased 25th Anniversary characters as well.


So there you have it!  The roster, a few teaser images, and the link to sign-up for FSS 2.0!  I have to admit, the first one made a believer out of me.  Yes, I’m not happy about the price of the figures or the subscription at all but then again, like a lot of Joe fans, I’m a man of limited means.  However, for the most part the quality and character selection of the first series has been very good and it’s now to the point that I eagerly anticipate the arrival of the brown cardboard box from the GIJCC each month.  So it’s a safe bet to say that this particular Joe addict is in for his next 13 figures from the GIJCC– even if my credit card cries a little.

For those of you on the fence, you’ve got until the 22nd.  Plus, JBL will begin reviewing all of the figures from FSS round 1 starting NEXT WEEK!

Joe Con 2012: Collector’s Club announces Figure Subscription Service, Round 2

Not much in the way of news out of the Collector’s Club Roundtable held yesterday afternoon save for one key piece: a SECOND Figure Subscription Service has been announced.  Only four figures so far have been revealed but those are:

  • Dragonsky (necessary to complete your Yearbook #2 team)
  • Iceberg
  • Night Force Falcon
  • Big Bear (another Oktober Guard!)

Still no word as to when the FIRST round of Figure Subscription Service will launch as the club is still working “bugs out of the system.”

My only comments are: So THAT’S where Dragonsky’s gone to!