I feel like this has to come with a disclaimer– I am not actually attending G.I. Joe Convention 2014 this year. However, thanks to some folks who are, I’ve had some pretty regular updates as to the status of many of the exclusives. So, here’s the rundown on the pieces that are offered for this year.
Zombie Initiative Set – Limited Run: AVAILABLE
Usually by this point at the convention, the 1:18 set is completely sold out. However, possibly due to late registration or other factors, the Zombie Initiative 15 piece is still available for attendees who haven’t previously registered.
Steel Brigade Pilot and VTOL – Limited Run of 800: SOLD OUT
This one caught a lot of folks by surprise with its hybrid design of both the 25th Sky Hawk and the later Pursuit of Cobra Ghost Hawk. Plus, as I was told by one particular Steel Brigade fan, “the camouflage on the pilot is AWESOME.”
Cobra Septic Tank HISS – Limited Run of 800: AVAILABLE
This is an interesting spin on the original Septic Tank HISS based on the DTC HISS frame. No pilot is included but it’s still there for a few more hours today at least.
G.I. Joe Rescue Ops 2- Pack featuring Clutch and Ice Storm – Limited Run of 700: SOLD OUT
Clutch seems to be inspired by the much-desired concept case version from a few years ago while Ice Storm was an obscure Rise of Cobra vehicle pilot. Together- they fight zombies! Clutch seems to be the big draw of this particular set which will most likely sell out before the weekend is over.
Steel Brigade Zombie 3- Pack – Limited Run of 1,000: SOLD OUT
This is one that I can guarantee will sell out this weekend. Sure, it’s mostly just the Pursuit of Cobra Steel Brigade figure with Zombie Viper arms and a new head, but it’s a troop-builder pack and the only one that is available. Plus, given the prices that these are going for on Ebay, attendees looking to make a quick buck will be snatching the remaining ones quickly.
Night Force Paratrooper Crazy Legs – Limited Run of 1,000: SOLD OUT
That’s right kids– this year’s parachute figure is actually part of LAST year’s set! Due to logistics at the event in Indy, the paratrooper was changed to a Kre-O figure in 2013 but it would seem that the Club had already produced these guys. Rather than offering them up to 2013 attendees to complete their sets, Crazy Legs was put on hold and used this year. Apparently these sold out before all of the Golden Ticket holders could get through the line and, given the going rate on Ebay for them now, it would seem that the bulk of these figures were intended for re-sale. Good luck getting one– they’re currently trending over $100.00 each.
Carded Joseph Colton Action Figure – Limited Run of 1,000? : AVAILABLE
I have to admit that I have a LOT of fan boy love for this particular figure. Based on his classic first appearance in the G.I. Joe: A Real American Hero comic series published by Marvel Comics, this figure is essentially a Marvel Universe Professor Xavier with a 1:18 Adventure Team head and I love every bit of him! He’s going for big prices on Ebay but hopefully he’ll still be available for folks during and even after the con!
Currently I don’t have any information regarding the status of the Kre-0 multi-pack nor the carded Cross Country figures but I’ll update as I find out more.