30th Anniversary wave 4 pre-orders hit BBTS, Kokomo Toys, and SmallJoes.com!

After a long drought, it seems like Joe fans are about to be swimming in product.  Several online e-tailers have now listed pre-orders for wave 4 of the 30th anniversary line!  That’s right– at a time when most fans still haven’t found wave 3 at retail new versions of Airtight, Law & Order, Lifeline, Sci-Fi, and the infamous Zombie Viper are due to arrive in early December!

I’ll be honest– wave 3 took me completely by surprise.  My pre-order from SmallJoes.com hit early this past week and I’ve been FLOORED by the quality of the product.  The articulation, the design, and even the accessories (which were pared down from what was originally shown) are all pretty spectacular.  In many ways, the 30th Anniversary run is FAR superior to the early waves of the 25th Anniversary line but that’s just my opinion.

Check out the links below.  Many of these e-tailers are still accepting orders for some individual figures.


Kokomo Toys:


For clarification, the “set of 5” includes one each of: Lifeline, Airtight, Sci-Fi, Zombie-Viper, and Law & Order.  The initial case pack seems to be: Lifeline (x 1), Zombie-Viper (x 2), Sci-Fi (x 1), Law & Order (x 1), Techno-Viper (x 1), Steel Brigade (x 1), Airtight (x 1), Scarlett (x 1), Ripcord (x 1), Tunnel Rat (x 1), and Cobra Trooper (Renegades version) (x 1).