Support the Girls of the Finest 2018 Calendar

The Girls of the Finest return with a brand new 2018 calendar project!

Girls of the Finest

It’s that time of year– when the talented costumers of the Girls of the Finest put their needles, thread, time, and talent toward a project that aims to give back to our men and women in uniform!   Since 2015, these cosplay artists have produced an amazing G.I. Joe-themed calendar showcasing your favorite ARAH-era femme fatales.  From Scarlett, to Zarana, the Baroness to the Cobra PR Officer– supporters have been treated to 12 months of images that inspire the imagination!  However, there’s more to this annual calendar drive than just some terrific wall art.  This is a calendar project that aims to give back to those who need our support.

K9s for WarriorsOnce again, the lovely ladies of Finest are raising funds for K9’s for Warriors, an organization dedicated to providing service dogs for veterans suffering from PTSD, traumatic brain injuries, and/or military sexual trauma as a result of service post 9/11.  The organization recognizes the healing power of animal therapy and how the emotional bond formed between a veteran and a therapy dog can help these brave warriors overcome the trauma they incurred while in the line of duty.

Seriously– I can’t encourage people enough to support this project.  These talented ladies give up their time and talent to support a project that not only helps the men and women of our armed forces but also helps provide homes for animals in need.  It’s a no-brainer– a one-two punch that truly brings some comfort to those who put themselves on the line for us each and every day.

As of now, the project has 23 days remaining and is 58% funded!  This is an all-or-nothing project which means that calendars won’t go into production and no funds will be send to K9’s for Warriors unless it reaches its goal of $8,500.00.  A simple pledge of $25.00 will secure a copy of the printed calendar, a set of trading cards, and a postcard!  It’s a STEAL of a deal that helps support a great cause!

Support the Girls of the Finest 2018 Calendar Project today!  Plus follow these costumers and track all of their appearances over on the Girls of the Finest Facebook page!

Support the Girls of the Finest 2017 calendar

The Girls of the Finest are back with a brand new 2017 calendar!

Girls of the Finest

Each year the talented Girls of the Finest put their costuming abilities to work to raise funds for a worthy cause by producing an amazing G.I. Joe themed calendar.  This year is no exception and the 2017 Calendar drive is fully under way on IndieGoGo with just 15 days remaining!

K9s for Warriors

This year the lovely ladies of Finest are raising funds for K9’s for Warriors, an organization dedicated to providing service dogs for veterans suffering from PTSD, traumatic brain injuries, and/or military sexual trauma as a result of service post 9/11.  The organization recognizes the healing power of animal therapy and how the emotional bond formed between a veteran and a therapy dog can help these brave warriors overcome the trauma they incurred while in the line of duty.

I’ll admit it– we’ve been remiss in our duties here at JBL when it comes to this project.  There are only 15 days remaining to support this endeavor on IndieGoGo and this is the first time that any news regarding the Girls of the Finest 2017 Calendar Project has been featured on JBL.  Ladies, I wholeheartedly apologize for that omission.  Your work this year has been stellar!

Seriously folks– I’ve supported this project for the past two years and the calendars are always top-notch!  The photography is fantastic, the costumes flawless, and you sense the passion that these ladies have for their work in every image.  Plus, each year the funds raised from the calendar project help support our troops.  A simple donation of $25.00 secures your printed copy of the 2017 calendar.  Those who donate $50.00 receive a set of trading cards AND a calendar!  Plus there are even MORE perks available at other financial levels!

Support the Girls of the Finest 2017 Calendar Project today!  Plus follow these costumers and track all of their appearances over on the Girls of the Finest Facebook page!

Girls of the Finest 2016 Calendar is FULLY FUNDED!

Girls of the Finest 2016 calendar fundedThe Girls of the Finest 2016 Calendar is fully funded!   Not only that, but the lovely ladies of The Finest managed to blow past their original goal of $8,500 and have raised a total of $9,200 to produce the calendar and support the USO!

Thanks to all who donated to support the project and, to the Girls of the Finest, the staff of JBL would like to offer our hearty congratulations!  You not only achieved your goal but you surpassed it!

Supporters of the Girls of the Finest 2016 Calendar can keep up with the latest project updates over on

Deadpool claps


Girls of the Finest 2016 Calendar project is at 87%


The Girls of the Finest 2016 Calendar project is now 87% funded!

That’s a fantastic total and one that the online community should be proud of.  These lovely ladies have so far raised $7,380 of their $8,500 goal to help support the USO.  However, their not resting on their laurels just yet– the Girls of the Finest 2016 calendar project still has 13% of their goal to go!

If you’re on the fence about supporting this project, this is the time to step forward!  A simple contribution of $25 secures one printed copy of the 2016 calendar, as well as a unique postcard and trading card from the photo shoots!  Sure, you could go out and buy any old calendar for the office or the Joe room for next year but wouldn’t you much rather show your support for the USO by backing the Girl’s of the Finest 2016 calendar?

However, don’t take my word for it– here are some words of encouragement from members of the finest themselves!

To show your support, visit the Girls of the Finest 2016 Calendar project on IndieGoGo today!  With your help, this project can succeed!

Girls of the Finest Calendar Drive Hits 70%

Girls of the Finest

The 2016 Girls of the Finest Calendar drive is now 70% funded with just 12 days to go!

What a project!  As we discussed previously here at JBL, the lovely ladies of the Girls of the Finest calendar from 2015 are back and are once again asking for your help in raising funds to support a worthy cause.  Even better, they’re offering an amazingly high-quality 2016 calendar as an incentive for folks to donate to the project– with the proceeds going to benefit the United Service Organizations.

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Girls of the Finest 2016 Calendar for the USO

Girls of the Finest 2016 calendar

The Girls of the Finest, members of a G.I. Joe costuming club, are back with a brand new calendar project!  This year the proceeds are going to the USO – the United Service Organizations that provides comfort to our overseas troops!

Last year’s project was an amazing success that raised funds for the Wounded Warrior Project.  Not only did fans help the Girls of the Finest produce a terrific fan-driven G.I. Joe calendar but they also helped support a fantastic cause in the process.  This year, these talented female costumers are hoping to recreate the lightning in a bottle of last year’s project and help the USO at the same time!

C’mon– it’s a win-win!  Get a great calendar featuring the talented Girls of the Finest and help send some much needed comfort to our fighting men and women overseas.

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Girls of The Finest Calendar is A-GO!!!


Girls of the Finest Calendar

Congratulations to the Girls of The Finest on reaching their calendar goal!

As previously reported here at JBL, the Girls of The Finest have launched their own calendar project to benefit the Wounded Warrior Project.

With 12 days left they’ve beat their goal of $7500.00 and have raised a total of $8175.00!  That’s right– not only is the calendar project guaranteed to happen but these lovely ladies have raised over eight thousand dollars to help out our wounded veterans!

C’mon Joe fans– let’s push them over the top, help the brave men and women who receive assistance from the Wounded Warrior Project, and get a slick fan-generated calendar to boot!  The deadline to fund the project is April 11, 2014 so make your contribution today!


Girls of The Finest Calendar to Benefit Wounded Warrior Project

Girls of the Finest Calendar The fans of the G.I. Joe community are some of the most charitable around.  Countless times have I seen fan groups holding events and raising funds for charity– giving of their time and energy to help those who are less fortunate.  Such is the case with The Finest – a G.I. Joe costume club whose current IndieGoGo project is helping to raise funds for the Wounded Warrior Project.

The premise is this– for a contribution of $25.00 on their IndieGoGo project site, fans will receive a full color printed calendar (as well as a digital .PDF copy) featuring “the Ladies of the Finest” in some fantastic G.I. Joe-themed photo shoots.  It’s all tastefully done and features characters both familiar and brand new!  It’ll be a perfect way to start off 2015 and help our wounded veterans as well.  However, there are multiple contribution tiers as well– each with their own unique contribution rewards!  Remember, once printing costs are covered, all proceeds will go to the Wounded Warrior Project!

With 46 days left they’re just over halfway to their stated goal of $7500.00.  C’mon Joe fans– let’s push them over the top, help the brave men and women who receive assistance from the Wounded Warrior Project, and get a slick fan-generated calendar to boot!  The deadline to fund the project is April 11, 2014 so make your contribution today!