The 2016 Girls of the Finest Calendar drive is now 70% funded with just 12 days to go!
What a project! As we discussed previously here at JBL, the lovely ladies of the Girls of the Finest calendar from 2015 are back and are once again asking for your help in raising funds to support a worthy cause. Even better, they’re offering an amazingly high-quality 2016 calendar as an incentive for folks to donate to the project– with the proceeds going to benefit the United Service Organizations.
I won’t belabor the point here. The previous Girls of the Finest calendar was not only a fantastic piece of fan-created G.I. Joe merchandise but it raised money for the Wounded Warrior Project. This time the goal is a bit higher but the organization receiving the proceeds is no less deserving. With 12 days remaining let’s make this project a reality and help support an organization that tirelessly provides comfort for the men and women of our Armed Forces.
As of this writing, they’re at $5,915 with a goal of $8,000. Let’s make this a reality.