The Girls of the Finest return with a brand new 2018 calendar project!
It’s that time of year– when the talented costumers of the Girls of the Finest put their needles, thread, time, and talent toward a project that aims to give back to our men and women in uniform! Since 2015, these cosplay artists have produced an amazing G.I. Joe-themed calendar showcasing your favorite ARAH-era femme fatales. From Scarlett, to Zarana, the Baroness to the Cobra PR Officer– supporters have been treated to 12 months of images that inspire the imagination! However, there’s more to this annual calendar drive than just some terrific wall art. This is a calendar project that aims to give back to those who need our support.
Once again, the lovely ladies of Finest are raising funds for K9’s for Warriors, an organization dedicated to providing service dogs for veterans suffering from PTSD, traumatic brain injuries, and/or military sexual trauma as a result of service post 9/11. The organization recognizes the healing power of animal therapy and how the emotional bond formed between a veteran and a therapy dog can help these brave warriors overcome the trauma they incurred while in the line of duty.
Seriously– I can’t encourage people enough to support this project. These talented ladies give up their time and talent to support a project that not only helps the men and women of our armed forces but also helps provide homes for animals in need. It’s a no-brainer– a one-two punch that truly brings some comfort to those who put themselves on the line for us each and every day.
As of now, the project has 23 days remaining and is 58% funded! This is an all-or-nothing project which means that calendars won’t go into production and no funds will be send to K9’s for Warriors unless it reaches its goal of $8,500.00. A simple pledge of $25.00 will secure a copy of the printed calendar, a set of trading cards, and a postcard! It’s a STEAL of a deal that helps support a great cause!
Support the Girls of the Finest 2018 Calendar Project today! Plus follow these costumers and track all of their appearances over on the Girls of the Finest Facebook page!