Joe Con 2017: Video reviews of the Battle Force 2000 vs BATs set

Gi joe con 2017 logo

Joe Con 2017 is ramping up and Mike Tinnel of Just Another G.I. Joe Show has been hard at work already, providing details of the souvenir sets and other intel from the show floor.

Late last night, Mike broke open his convention set and posted a series of videos showcasing the figures that comprise the Force of Battle 2017!  He even brought along vintage counterparts of the figures for comparison purposes.  (I wonder what the TSA made of Avalanche, Blaster, Blocker, Dodger, Knockdown and Maverick.) Joe Con 2017 probably raises a few eyebrows at security checkpoints.

I’ll be embedding all the parts of his review below for your viewing pleasure as they go live this morning!

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Joe Con 2017: Meet the Cobra BAT Squad Leader

The Joe Con 2017 previews continue with a look at the Cobra BAT Squad Leader!

Joe Con 2017 Cobra BAT squad leader


– 25th Anniversary Style/Fully Poseable Action Figure.
– Modern Era Character Update with NEW Head Sculpt!
– Includes removable Hands with Weapon attachments x 3,
Rocket Launcher with projectile, and Cobra Logo Stand.

(Note: Photo depicts action figure mock-up and final product may slightly differ.)

Hmmm… do I see a 1991 BAT v2 design in this Joe Con 2017 preview?  I believe I do!

There’s not a lot of surprises in this reveal as the BAT v2 design is a classic that has yet to have a good update in the generation 3 era.  With a set that is going to be chock-full of mechanical Cobra troops, I was going to be surprised if we DIDN’T see this design presented.  However, I like the new head sculpt with is a very faithful recreation of the original.  (This design hasn’t been used since 2003’s BAT troop builder packs!)  Plus, with the title of “Squad Leader” there’s only going to be one of this mechanical menace in the set.

Hmm… now that just begs the question: what will the other Cobra BAT’s look like?

With the reveal of Battle Force 2000 Maverick, this makes two reveals down– more to come!

For more information on the Joe Con 2017 event, visit!

Old Snake & Stealth BAT Duo Review

G.I. Joe & the Transformers Old Snake & Stealth BAT duo

The Old Snake & Stealth BAT Duo two-pack review is live!

The G.I. Joe Collector’s Club blew the fandom’s collective minds at Joe Con 2015 when it was revealed that one of the pieces in their G.I. Joe & the Transformers series was a two-pack featuring Old Snake aka “Future Cobra Commander.”  Featured in the classic G1 Transformers episode “Only Human“, this 1:18 figure recreates the look of a familiar-voiced arms dealer who went by the moniker of “Old Snake” and who just happened to be in possession of Synthoid technology.  However, the G.I. Joe Collector’s Club took things a step further and packaged this distinctive villain with two repurposed Transformers Prime Soundwave figures in classic Battle Android Trooper deco.

The result: the Old Snake & Stealth BAT Duo two-pack!

Check out the guest review from Otto “The Otter” Phillips over in the G.I. Joe Collector’s Club Review Index and then let us know your thoughts on this set in the comments below!

G.I. Joe FSS 4 Inferno BAT revealed

It’s another G.I. Joe FSS 4 reveal!  Things are heating up with the Inferno BAT!

g.i. joe fss 4 inferno bat


(Based on the variant Cobra action figure!)

Includes: backpack with four removable hand attachments and figure stand.

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G.I. Joe 50th Anniversary Arctic Threat Review

g.i. joe 50th anniversary arctic threat

The G.I. Joe 50th Anniversary Arctic Threat review is long overdue!

Of all of the two-packs released thus far, this one features a pairing of characters that makes the most sense.  Snow Job is the G.I. Joe team’s premiere cold weather specialist and the Cobra Battle Android Troopers are immune to the frozen temperatures of the Arctic regions.  One is a highly trained specialized and championship marksman while the other is a relentless killing machine.  In almost any context, this is a recipe for excitement!

Is this two pack worth a purchase?  Or, is it along the lines of the “Heated Battle” which is still lingering on the pegs in stores?

Check out Snow Job and the Arctic BAT as part of the Arctic Threat review!  It’s posted in the 50th Anniversary Review Index!

Also, you can now get your 50th Anniversary fix at the Zone Comic Shop!  Check out their website for your current G.I. Joe needs!