Marvel Universe Nick Fury at for $14.99

This is almost entirely un-related to G.I. Joe in every way but it’s too good of a deal not to share. recently has been dumping a lot of the Marvel Comics Online exclusive Universe figures lately at $14.99 a piece– which is a far cry from what you’d end up paying for them on the secondary market.  Today, they dropped one of my all-time favorite characters at the bargain price!

Nick Fury

That’s right– the ORIGINAL Nick Fury in 1:18 scale form is available for a FRACTION of what I ended up paying for him about 2 years ago.  Originally the only way to get Colonel Fury was to subscribe to Marvel Comics Online, pay the $66, fill out a form and mail it in.  Trust me, this is MUCH simpler!

Now, I’ll throw out the disclaimer– he’s not as detailed as some of the recent 30th Anniversary G.I. Joe offerings but this is Nick Fury we’re talking about here. Cigar-chomping Hydra-smashing Director of SHIELD Nick Fury!  He gets a pass on things like that!  Plus he comes with the insanely cool rifle that he wielded during the end of the Civil War crossover and a jet pack.

C’mon– you know you want to snag him!  Quit gold-brickin’ and get on it!

Marvel Universe Nick Fury @

If you need more incentive, here are a few promo images of the figure!

New Jersey Collectors Con figure revealed as G.I. Joe’s Salvo!

Fans of custom figures in the G.I. Joe community are probably familiar with the name “Kevin Watts.”  Know for his imaginative parts use and mind-blowing painting skills, Kevin is the mastermind behind the Canv-HISS project showcased at the 2013 G.I. Joe Collector’s Convention.  He’s also the project lead behind last year’s amazing Metal-Head fan figure that was given away at the New Jersey Collector’s Convention.  Well, it would seem that Kevin and his talented crew of customizers are back in action once again– and have revealed this year’s NJCC exclusive giveaway figure.


New Jersey Comic Con Salvo

Right now, I really really HATE Kevin.  I had the same reaction after last year’s Metal-Head figure.  It’s not because it’s a bad figure or anything like that.  It’s due to the simple fact that there is no way I’ll be able to obtain one of these.  The figures are door-prizes– given away to attendees of the NJCC and are not officially sold in any other capacity.  Also, they’re custom figures produced by hand– meaning that the production run is INSANELY low.  I was fortunate to see a “prototype” of this figure at Joe Con this year and I can say that is doesn’t disappoint.

If you’re in the area, here’s information on the NJCC:

New Jersey Collector’s Con

Holiday Inn Cherry Hill – New Jersey
2175 West Marlton Pike (Rt. 70), Cherry Hill, NJ 08002
Sunday, April 28th, 2013

NJCC Facebook page.

More information on this figure and the event can be found over at

Artist Ian Fell produces AMAZING G.I. Joe poster

I’m a sucker for good G.I. Joe artwork.  As such, you can imagine my reaction when I saw the following poster on Larry Hama’s Facebook page a few days ago.

G.I. Joe poster by Ian Fell

This image is literally a “who’s who” of the Joes that I grew up with.  From Gung-Ho to Clutch to Keel Haul, it’s a complete roster of my favorite era of Joes.  (1982 – 1987)  This was the era of Sunbow and the time frame in which my attention was FIRMLY focused on the world of A Real American Heroes.  It’s also the most “military” era of the 1:18 franchise IMHO.

Here’s what the artist has to say about this project– which was originally intended as gift to a few individuals at the 2013 G.I. Joe Collector’s Convention:

I wanted to create something as a Thank You for all the work that has gone into G.I. Joe, an inspiration for me since I was a kid. This composition was inspired by Michael Golden’s G.I. Joe Yearbook #1 cover, Joes included are from 1982-1987. I handed a few of these out at the convention, and I hope the recipients enjoyed them. Thanks to everyone who keeps the Joes going!

My wife calls this piece “Where’s Wal-Joe?” Can you spot the Joes that are missing? (I’m hoping to add them in an updated revision. I ran out of time!) Click the image to see a larger version.

Normally, if I want a copy of an image like this I have to find the highest quality version I can online and settle for it serving as my desktop wallpaper for a few weeks.  However, the artist doesn’t seem content to leave my walls bare.  He’s currently offering copies of this amazing image online– FOR COST!  That’s right– for the cost of materials and shipping, a quality semi-gloss stock 11″ x 17″ copy of this image can adorn your wall– for a whopping $5.00.  That’s less than the cost of an extra-value meal at your favorite fast food joint.   Even better– Ian’s indicated that a Cobra version might be on the way.

To your order copy, visit and add this beauty to your wall!

After the events in Boston, JBL is going dark for a few days.

This is an odd post to write. If you’d asked me 24 hours ago what JBL’s next update would be I’d have answered “JBL Review: G.I. Joe Con Night Force Lady Jaye.”

However all that changed at 2:50pm EST today when some SOB detonated two bombs in the 600 block of Boylston St in Boston. Reading the events online and listening to the streaming coverage from WBZ somehow made posting a review feel wrong.

I wasn’t born in Boston and I didn’t grow up there. However, after college I went to Boston University to get my Master’s Degree. I lived in Boston and the surrounding metro area for almost exactly seven years. For three of those years I worked between the Copley and Arlington T stations on the Green Line. I ate frequently ate lunch at Copley Square with friends and would walk up Boylston St to what was then Tower Records at the corner of Boylston and Mass Ave. Back Bay was, in many ways, the heart of the Boston that I knew.

When many people across the nation think of Boston and holidays July 4th immediately springs to mind. It’s our nation’s birthday after all and the seeds of the revolution were planted and nurtured in Boston. Yet, for many who live in the city Patriot’s Day (or “Marathon Monday” as it is more commonly known) really is the city’s holiday. It’s a day when Boston springs to life with an energy that is almost tangible as hundreds of thousands of people descend upon the city to share in the experience of the Boston Marathon. All of that energy, hope, and excitement is centered around the finish line– located at Copley Square. It’s day where the city celebrates the success not just of one or two individuals who place first or second but rather the accomplishment, dedication, and determination of ALL who participate in the course that begins out at Hopkinton, MA.

Today was reported to be an excellent Marathon Monday. The weather was ideal for the runners, and the Red Sox pulled off a win at an afternoon home game at Fenway. I can just imagine that excitement of the crowds and the smiling faces of children who were enjoying a day off of school in the city with family and friends. When the news broke of the incident on CNN this afternoon, I was seated in a desk in an office nearly 1,000 miles away and yet I felt for those in the city at that moment. This wasn’t some distant place on the news that I’d never been to. This was a place that I’d worked, lived, and made life-long friendships. This was a city that I still can regard as a second home.

At the risk of sounding terribly melodramatic, posting reviews of plastic figures from a toy convention just didn’t seem as important as it did 24 hours ago. So, I’m taking a few days off from posting the 2013 Collector’s Convention reviews. The site isn’t going away– but quite honestly this has hit me harder than I’d have thought possible. Even though I’ve been gone since the Fall of 2007, Boston still is a city that I’m very close to and to see it bloodied like this raises in me an ire as strong as if the attack had happened in my own home town.

Reviews will begin again next week. In the meantime, my thoughts and prayers go out to all of the injured and to the families of the three individuals whose lives were taken by an act of cowardice. To the individual(s) that set in motion this tragic series of events I can say only this– you’ve struck the Cradle of Liberty today and that city will not take this act laying down.

Copley Square Boston

2013 JoeCon: The final summary of the G.I. Joe Collector’s Convention has been posted!

2013 Joe Con

The 2013 G.I. Joe Collector’s Convention has come and gone and the summary of this year’s JoeCon has been posted.

I’ve updated the G.I. Joe Collector’s Convention page with the latest con summary including links to all of the previously posted content as well as a final wrap-up of all things that I observed in Indy.  It’s not a complete record of EVERYTHING– simply because that wouldn’t have been possible.  For example, I missed out on the What’s on Joe Mind taping because of a call from Madmac41 that the Concept Vault figures had been put on display.  So, any omissions are not intentional slights– but rather a reflection of the fact that one person can only be in one place at a time.

Also, due to some registration wackiness, my convention set will be arriving when the Homefront Heroes sets ship.  However, I’ve got some quick images up and reviews of the souvenir items will begin THIS WEEK!  (Lady Jaye is most like going up first.)

It was a great overall experience to reconnect with so many friends I’ve not seen in years.

Anyway, check out the 2013 JoeCon Summary directly or hit up the G.I. Joe Collector’s Convention Index to peruse previous years!

2013 JoeCon: Sunday voice actor panel with Bill Ratner and Mary McDonald-Lewis

Wow– one of the single greatest events of JoeCon 2013?  That would be the Sunday voice actor panel with two of the greatest stars of the Sunbow G.I. Joe animated series– Bill Ratner and Mary McDonald-Lewis.  That’s right, the voices of the original Flint and Lady Jaye were on stage together and they didn’t disappoint!

To open the Sunday panel, Bill and Mary took the stage and performed an impromptu script reading with a little help of Fun Publication’s own Pete Sinclair.  The story was entitled “Flint & Lady Jaye Have a Baby” and detailed the events of a G.I. Joe mission in which Lady Jaye reveals that she’s expecting.  After foiling the efforts of Cobra and returning to headquarters, they decide upon a name for their daughter– Marissa.  It was a nice homage to both the Sunbow G.I. Joe and Transformers animated series and marked the first time that the two had performed their respective signature characters since production on the original series ended.  Honestly– it was a fan written script performed at a convention and it still caused me to grin from ear-to-ear when two of my favorite animated characters seemingly returned to life in an auditorium in Indianapolis.  In many ways, it was like being a kid again and rushing home from school to catch the animated adventures of Flint and Lady Jaye each weekday afternoon.

Following the performance, the two took audience questions and related a number of anecdotes about the production of the original Sunbow series.  (Who knew Michael Bell carried a “man purse” or that Chris Latta was always late coming back from lunch?) Mary Mac and Bill both discussed the differences between voice acting and stage acting as well as their fondness for the days of radio performances.  In the end, the hour went by far too quickly  and the audience gave these two a standing ovation.  2013 marks the first ever JoeCon appearance for either of them and it would be fantastic to see their return in the future.

To catch-up on what these two talented voice actors are working on currently, visiting the following links:

Check out a few images from the panel below:

2013 JoeCon: Hasbro panel detail summary

If you’ve been you’ve been following the JoeCon coverage here at JBL over the past few days– thank you!  It’s been several years since I’ve been both at a con and an active part of the Joe community and there was some personal apprehension about coming back to this event after being away for nearly 4 years.  However, I can honestly say that it’s good to be back in action again.

Earlier today, I posted live coverage of the Hasbro panel on Twitter.  What follows here is a more detailed summary of the information that was presented earlier.

Hasbro had a very small presence at JoeCon this year.  Consisting solely of Derryl DePriest and John Warden and a single display case, fan weren’t quite sure what to expect.  In fact, the Dynamic Duo from Pawtucket opened their presentation by saying that they were showing the same slide show that was used at Toy Fair and that nothing new would be presented.  However, some good information came out of their discussion.

In terms of G.I. Joe Retaliation, the highly anticipated wave 3 will be available later this year– and it’s looking like late July/early August.  The order has been sent to the factories in China and production has begun.  Figures like Kwinn, Data Viper, Ultimate Duke, Ultimate Roadblock, and Ultimate Flint will be hitting stores with a great deal of fan and retailer anticipation.  During this part of the discussion, John Warden broke down some interesting facts for the wave.

Continue reading

2013 JoeCon: The rest of the custom figures on display!

I promised yesterday that I’d go back and take pictures of the remaining custom figures on display at JoeCon.  Thankfully, there was enough of a break in the schedule today that I was able to fulfill that particular promise.  Again, the custom work by these folks is not to be underestimated!  Just some truly brilliant and exciting pieces shown here in Indianapolis.

G.I. Joe customizers– my hat goes off to you all!

2013 JoeCon: Collector’s Club Roundtable and FSS 2 details

The main events of JoeCon 2013 are winding down with today’s G.I. Joe Collector’s Club Round Table meeting.  As usual, Lanny, Brian, David, and Pete broke down the design work that went into this year’s convention sets– including all of the various elements that made up the first-ever Kre-O exclusives.  However, that’s not all that was discussed.

David Lane broke down the roster for the forthcoming Figure Subscription Service round 2.  Sign-up should start sometime in April and run until early May– encompassing “two pay periods” but for less than 30 days.  As far as the roster is concerned, David stated that the selections were based on the feedback received in the convention surveys; the more requested a figure, the better the likelihood it will receive consideration.  When asked about Pythona and other Sunbow characters, the answer came back that they have appeared in the survey results but never in large enough numbers to warrant inclusion.  (Somehow, Sure Fire gained enough of a following, however.)

The 2013 roster includes:

  • Widescope
  • Dragonsky
  • Night Force Falcon (with new equipment)
  • Bombadier (UK)
  • Tiger Force Tripwire (Brazil)
  • Tiger Force Shipwreck (Brazil)
  • Admiral Keel Haul
  • Tool Booth
  • Cesspool
  • Skullbuster
  • Cobra Desert Scorpion
  • Big Bear

The next FSS could ship as soon as August 2013, leaving fans with only a one month gap between FSS 1 and 2.

Other tidbits from the panel include the goal of opening con registration six months before the event and having a more regular schedule for the event itself. Working with Kre-O figures proved to be a brand new challenge and may or may not happen again.  Due to logistical issues with the height of the parachute drop, the paratrooper figure was changed to a Kreon to prove more practical at a lower height.  Some of the Night Force convention figures also feature a glow-in-the-dark series of paint apps but not all.

Here are the slides from the presentation which include a few mock-ups of figures from FSS.  These are merely digital creations at this time and are NOT physical prototypes.

2013 JoeCon: Hasbro’s concept case v2

This year at JoeCon many fans seemed disappointed that Hasbro didn’t have more to showcase in terms of new product.  During the Hasbro panel, it was announced that there was nothing new to see due to the six month delay of the release of G.I. Joe Retaliation.  So, attendees steeled themselves and found other news to be excited about.

I was sitting in the “What’s On Joe Mind” panel when my cell phone rang.  It was Madmac41 telling me to get my keester down to the dealer’s room and bring my camera.  So, I sauntered down, spotted him, and then dropped to my knees in awe.  (Literally.)  There, in the midst of the Hasbro case were new “concept case” figures and right smack dab in the middle of them was the greatest Marine to ever grace the team’s roster: GUNG-HO!  (Suck it, Leatherneck.)  Seriously– completely unannounced and unexpected.

There’s no guarantee that these figures will get made but are merely presented as means of gauging interest.  So, this is one of the few times that I’ll ask anything of the fandom– if you have the opportunity, drop the name GUNG-HO at every opportunity.  After all, he was one of the core characters in the Sunbow series as well as Larry Hama’s Marvel run.

With no further comments, here are the 2013 Concept Case figures: