Last Call for G.I. Joe Collector’s Club FSS 3.0

Today is the day– the final day to sign-up for the G.I. Joe Collector’s Club FSS 3.0.  In order to provide that final incentive, the Club released the following “group shot” yesterday.

G.I. Joe Collector's Club FSS 3.0Yes, it’s just a composite image of the previews shown thus far but it provides the only real “at a glance” look  at what subscribers will receive over the forthcoming months.

It’s an interesting roster– with many Nocturnal Fire alumni, three Cobra-affiliated ninjas, a member of Action Force, and the final member of the Stall family whose saga played out in the file cards of the G.I. Joe vs. Cobra era.

As an addition teaser, the Club showcased hard resin prototypes of three of the unique headsculpts from the line that were designed by the insanely talented Boss Fight Studio team.  Seen below are the sculpts for Bombstrike, Big Ben, and the Crimson Guard Immortal.

It’s not a cheap subscription– with the subscription running $315.00 if paid in full with additional charges for both shipping and credit card processing.  (Or paid in three installments of $105.00 each.)  However, if you really want to obtain these figures and don’t want to have to deal with the hassle of tracking them down individually the subscription is the way to go– and the only way to guarantee receipt of the “mysterious 13th figure”.

To subscribe, visit the sign-up page for the G.I. Joe Collector’s Club Figure Subscription Service 3.0 today.

G.I. Joe Collector’s Club FSS 3.0 Registration is LIVE!

G.I. Joe Collector's Club Figure Subscription Service 3.0


“And so, it begins…”

The G.I. Joe Collector’s Club Figure Subscription Service 3.0 is now LIVE!  That’s right– as of now you can sign-up to receive all thirteen figures in this year’s line-up including:

  • Alpine v3
  • Big Ben
  • Bombstrike
  • Crimson Guard Immortal
  • Hit & Run
  • Muskrat
  • Night Creeper Leader
  • Psyche-Out
  • Repeater (original colors)
  • Slice
  • Spearhead (& Max)
  • Vypra

The sign-up period for the G.I. Joe Collector’s Club FSS 3.0 ends July 1, 2014 and the figures are slated to ship in October!  Follow this link to sign-up today!

G.I. Joe Collector’s Club Unveils FSS 3.0 Spearhead

The G.I. Joe Collector’s Club dropped a surprise on its members earlier this afternoon in the form of the first Figure Subscription Service 3.0 preview!  Feast your eyes on Spearhead & Max in their classic colors!

G.I. Joe Collector's Club Figure Subscription Service 3.0 Spearhead & Max


The design is the same that was used to build the Joe Con 2013 exclusive “Nocturnal Fire” version– which is fine with me!  Spearhead and his trusty bobcat Max were actually two of my favorite parts of the entire set!  I also really like the more subdued colors that are shown in this digital mock-up.  One thing that always bothered me about the original 1988 version was the fact that his uniform colors were just too bright to be practical.  This version fixes that nicely.

However, the good news doesn’t stop there.  Check out this email from Brian Savage which states that the sign-up period might be beginning sooner than anyone realized:

Hello Everyone,
We are shooting for Monday to open the orders for FSS 3.0. Normally, there is a 3 week order period, but since that would fall in the middle of BotCon, we are extending the order period to end on July 1. You will have until that time to process your order. Over the next few weeks we will be showing all of the figures (except the mystery 13th figure) so that they will all be online before the order period ends. The cost of the subscription will be $315 if paid in full, or $105 per installment (3x) plus the online service charge for each billing.

Currently we anticipate that the first figures will ship in late October, but that is still TBD until we receive the final schedule from the manufacturer. When the shipment arrives, we will publish the two dates for the second and third installments. Please let us know if you have any questions.

Thanks for your support!


So there you have it! FSS 3.0 is tentatively scheduled to launch on Monday and the sign-up period will run for the entire month of June.

And know you know…

G.I. Joe Convention 2014: FSS 3.0 Line-Up Announced

In recent years the G.I. Joe Collector’s Club roundtable panel has become one of the most anticipated G.I. Joe Convention events.  The reason for this has been the announcement of the year’s forthcoming Figure Subscription Service line-up.  At a time when the G.I. Joe brand is essentially absent from retail shelves, this “members only” service is the only avenue for many collectors to acquire new G.I. Joe figures.

This year JBL was unable to attend the G.I. Joe Convention in Dallas but fortunately good friend of the site Justin Bell of was on hand and live-tweeted the entire panel.  I’m mirroring his images below with some thoughts on each character in the announced line-up.

First off, here’s the announced line-up for FSS 3.0:

  • Alpine v2
  • Big Ben
  • Bombstrike
  • Crimson Guard Immortal
  • Hit & Run
  • Muskrat
  • Night Creeper Leader
  • Psyche-Out
  • Repeater (original colors)
  • Slice
  • Spearhead (& Max)
  • Vypra

It’s a decent line-up that filled with characters that are sure to get fans excited.  Granted, one quarter of the series will consist of repaints from the Nocturnal Fire 2013 convention set but that set had some of the best convention figures produced yet.  Plus, given the oft-repeated mantra of how expensive everything is for the GIJCC, this level of cost-saving makes some logical sense.  So, let’s break down the figures and some possible construction options.

Alpine v2:

GIJCC FSS 3.0 Alpine v2


Dipping back into the well of Valor vs. Venom, Alpine v2 will be seeing new life in the FSS.  Construction for this one is a no-brainer; given the shorts and short sleeves this will most likely be built on a G.I. Joe Retaliation Kwinn body with the hard-to-find 25th Anniversary Alpine head plopped on top.  It’s a relatively easy parts combination that requires next to no new tooling– although I’m surprised the Club went with the v2 “McDonald’s color scheme” as opposed to the Tiger Force Alpine that followed a few waves later.

Big Ben:

G.I. Joe Collector's Club FSS 3 Big Ben


Big Ben is one of those Joes that came after “my era” of G.I. Joe.  He’s one of the cast who was featured more in the DiC episodes and so slipped complete beyond my notice.  However, he’s got a basic enough uniform that the club should be able to replicate his body design with ease, possibly topping it off with the 25th Anniversary Rock-n-Roll ammunition belts.  It was confirmed at the panel that he will be getting a new head sculpt as seen in the sketches in the slide.


G.I. Joe Collector's Club FSS 3 Bombstrike


I’ve made no secret of my love for the new character that were introduced in the G.I. Joe vs. Cobra era and Bombstrike is no exception!  Part of the “Stahl Family” storyline, she’s a welcome addition to my Joe collection!  For constructions I’d be surprised if the lower body wasn’t based on the Rise of Cobra Cover Girl.  The upper torso will either have to be be newly-tooled or the design altered as no female t-shirt torso exists.  I could, however, see the GIJCC using the Renegades Scarlett body as well.  A SOLID addition to the line-up!

Crimson Guard Immortal:

G.I. Joe Collector's Club FSS 3 Crimson Guard Immortal


Okay, this is one that I didn’t see coming in any way but that’s not a bad thing!  For this, I’d almost expect the Club to utilize the base body of the recent Retaliation Crimson Guard.  For the padded chest armor, it all depends on how closely the Club wants to adhere to the original design as a myriad of body armor choices exist.  While I have never had particularly strong feelings about the Crimson Guard Immortal this is an interesting entry in the line-up!

Hit & Run:

G.I. Joe Collector's Club FSS 3 Hit & Run


Justin would kill me for saying this but I’ve never been a huge fan of Hit & Run.  I don’t dislike him but I’ve never really had any strong attachment to him.  However, a lot of fans do and last year’s Nocturnal Fire version seems to have fallen short with many of them.  So, at risk of duplicating the 2009 25th Anniversary Hit & Run the GIJCC is diving in with another attempt replicate the v1 design– this time based on the Concept Case version that was shown at Joe Con a few years ago.  I have to admit, if he’s more poseable than the 25th version I’ll be quite pleased– even though it means I’ll now have 3 different generation 3 versions of Hit & Run and still not one functional version of Gung-Ho!


G.I. Joe Collector's Club FSS 3.0 Muskrat


YES!  I’ve been a fan of the original Muskrat for years now and last year’s Nocturnal Fire version was a fantastic update!  For this figure I pretty much a straight repaint of the 2013 Joe Con version but it looks like his boogie board will be added to the figure’s kit.  Usually repaints like the FSS Tiger Force Shipwreck do nothing for me but in this case I’m very much looking forward to a more classic color scheme on Muskrat.

Night Creeper Leader:

FSS 3.0 Night Creeper Leader preview

There’s a quote from the TV series Firefly regarding mercenary Jayne Cobb’s bright orange stocking cap that applies here:

“A man walks down the street in that hat, people know he’s not afraid of anything.”

Yep, that’s exactly how I feel about the bright orange tiger-striped  ’93 Night Creeper Leader shown above.  There’s something about a blind-folded martial artist in that outfit that is just visually striking!  How can you go wrong with that color palate?  (It’s certainly better than the “Minnesota Vikings” ’94 version.)  I can’t wait to get this version because, well, he’s Grrr-EAT!  (Yes, I went there.)


G.I. Joe Collector's Club FSS 3 Psyche-Out


Last year’s Noctural Fire convention set featured a stellar roster of both characters and figures but in the opinion of this Joe fan Psyche-Out was one of the best of the bunch.  The GIJCC managed to recreate a vintage character in a plausibly updated fashion and took a character whose first version could be viewed as “kind of doofy” and made him a star of the set.  I expect this figure to be a straight repaint of the 2013 convention version with no real changes to the character’s accessories.


G.I. Joe Collector's Club FSS 3 Repeater

For many fans, Repeater was one of the star’s of the 2013 Nocturnal Fire set!  The updated convention version of the character was based on the G.I. Joe Retaliation Ultimate Roadblock body and added significant height and girth to the figure when compared to the original 1988 version.  As with many of the Nocturnal Fire pieces, I don’t expect the Club to do anything new other than to re-release the Joe Con version with a more vintage color scheme.


G.I. Joe Collector's Club FSS 3 Slice

Well, it was bound to happen as the first FSS contained Dice.  These two go together like peanut butter & chocolate or Batman and Robin.  A very simple recipe for this figure exists, especially given the original Dice’s color scheme.  The club has merely to take the Dollar General Storm Shadow figure and mold in primarily in red with only a black paint application.  It’s a very simple recipe when the Dice mask has been previously tooled and released for years now.  (It was initially released with the Temple Guardian Snake Eyes figure.)

Spearhead (& Max):

G.I. Joe Collector's Club FSS 3 Spearhead

I reviewed the vintage Spearhead (& Max) figure years ago and was very excited to get an updated Night Force version of him last year as part of the Nocturnal Fire set.  In fact, he was one of my favorite pieces in the entire set!  As with the other Nocturnal Fire alumni, I expect a straight repaint with no real changes to the figure or the figure’s accessories.  Yes, it’s a cost-saving step for the Club but anymore that is to be expected.


G.I. Joe Collector's Club FSS 3 Vypra

The original Vypra was a straight repaint of Jinx in darker colors– so I think it’s a safe best to assume that we’ll see the same here.  The most logical choice would be to use the body from the SDCC Jinx as it most directly resembles the vintage figure.  Perhaps we’ll see the kit from the FSS version of Jinx used again here?

So there you have it– one fan’s take on both the roster and the parts construction for the forthcoming G.I. Joe Collector’s Club FSS 3.0!  As of now I’ve not seen any details on when the sign-up period would begin.  Given the fact that no prototypes (digital or otherwise) were shown it’s probably quite likely that the FSS sign-up won’t be for a few more months with the service to start shipping in late Fall 2014.

One thing to note– apparently the Club is aware of some of the dissatisfaction that subscribers had with the “13th Figure” this year.

A big thanks to Justin Bell of for live-tweeting the entire panel yesterday!

So, what are your thoughts?  Are you in for FSS 3.0?  Is this an easy pass?  Feel free to leave your comments below or over at the discussion thread in the JBL forums!

G.I. Joe Con 2013: The first group shot of Nocturnal Fire is up!

The G.I. Joe Collector’s Club released the first “composite image” of the 2013 1:18 scale Convention set Nocturnal Fire today!

(click to make larger)

Sure, we’ve seen the previews over the past week but there’s something about seeing all of the figures together in one shot that shows how everything comes together.  The Joes look good together while the Cobra forces are a bit less cohesive.  (You can’t blame Letal for this one– Crimson Asp and the SAW Vipers aren’t helping.)  Still, Cobra Mortal manages to look above it all in his spotless white uniform.  It’s a diverse group of figures pulling from a variety of sources of inspiration– and it’ll set Club members back a cool $360.00 to bring it home!

For registration information, keep your eyes peeled to both JBL and!

G.I. Joe Con 2013: Final four Noctural Fire Night Force members revealed!

Registration for the 2013 G.I. Joe Collector’s Convention will go LIVE next week but the Club has given fans one final preview to whet their appetites.  The final FOUR members of Night Force have been revealed!


– 25th Anniversary Style/Fully Poseable Action Figure
– Based on TRU Exclusive Action Figure from 1989
– NEW Head with Molded Army Ranger Hat,
– Includes G.I. Joe Logo Stand, Backpack with Steadi-Cam
Attached Machine Gun, Ammo Strip with Ammo Box,
Removable Combat Vest and Knife



– 25th Anniversary Style/Fully Poseable Action Figure
– Based on Unreleased Action Figure Concept
– NEW Head with NEW Removable Helmet and
Goggles, NEW Tactical Harness with Backpack
– Includes G.I. Joe Logo Stand, Assault Rifle,
Grappling Hook, Duffel Bag with Carry Strap,
Explosvive Mines, Pistols, and Knife



– 25th Anniversary Style/Fully Poseable Action Figure
– Based on TRU Exclusive Action Figure from 1989
– Removable Helmet/Goggles, and Combat Vest
– Includes G.I. Joe Logo Stand, Assault Rifle,
Machine Gun with Bi-pod, Ammo Strip,



– NEW Bobcat [Included with SPEARHEAD]


With these final reveals, the last of the boxed set figures have been revealed.  Honestly, it’s a SOLID group with Repeater taking top honors in this Joe fan’s eyes.  I can’t tell what torso is being used bot those feet seem to be from the new “Battle Kata” Roadblock figure that drops in Wave 2 of the G.I. Joe Retaliation line.  This is yet another instance of movie tooling making its way into this year’s convention set.  The vest appears to come from a Roadblock of a different era– the incredibly awesome Resolute figure!  Plus, it’s Repeater!!  Sure, he’s got the 30th Iron Grenadier’s weapon with the “ginormous ammunition box” but it still looks good.  Sadly, no steadi-cam mount, however.

Hit & Run is an interesting figure.  Many fans were hoping that he would be the vault figure design showcased at last year’s Joe Con.  Instead, he seems to borrow elements from that design.  I’ll have to look and see what parts are used to bring him to life but I might be seeing some parts from the 30th Lifeline figure that has been heavily reused of late.  (I have a confession to make– my 30th Lifeline is still carded until I can get around to writing a review of him.  Sad, I know…)  One thing I do miss is the signature camouflage paint on his face.  For a Night Force set I’d have thought some black tiger-striped face paint would have been a sure thing.

Spearhead looks to be a solid homage to the original figure– right down to the ammo belt that crosses his chest.  I’ll be curious to see if it’s just glued together in the final product as this appears to be the same belt that has come with most of the line’s recent heavy machine gunner figures.  I’m thinking he’s built on the 30th Anniversary Shock Viper/Viper frame with the same vest that came with the Comic Pack Firefly from back in the 25th Anniversary line.

Max— well, he’s Max!  He’s a brand new sculpted bobcat that will hopefully join the ranks of my G.I. Joe animal brigade in the near future.  (P.E.T.S. anyone?)  After all, someone has to keep Timber, Junkyard, and Order in line and it sure isn’t Polly.  (Freedom finds himself above such petty duties.)

So, all-in-all, Noctural Fire is shaping up to be a solid set from the Collector’s Club.  There are some clear winners (PSYCHE-OUT!!!), some “interesting” choices (LETAL), and some classic troop builders and new faces.  I find that overall I’m putting this set on par with the excellent Mission Brazil set from a few years ago.  Now I’ve just got to make certain that my schedule is free and that I can hit the Con this year.  (It’s right around someone’s birthday…)