G.I. Joe Collector’s Club 1:18 Adventure Team Commander Review

G.I. Joe Collector's Club 1:18 Adventure Team Commander

There’s just something about the Adventure Team Commander.  He’s a former soldier who leads a team of adventurers and scientists in missions across the globe that range from disaster relief to artifact recovery to rescuing endangered species.  In other words, he’s a “Man of Action” with a kung-fu grip!

Up until 2010, the Adventure Team Commander existed only in his original 1:6 scale form.  (I’m  not counting the various “Joe Colton” figures.)  However, the G.I. Joe Collector’s Club decided that that Adventure Team Commander was ready for a change and released him and his team in a series of 1:18 scale sets.  Did the original “Man of Action” make the transition smoothly?

Check out the review in the G.I. Joe Collector’s Club Review Index!

G.I. Joe Collector’s Convention Starts Tonight

2014 G.I. Joe Convention Joe Colton

Tonight’s the night– the Golden Ticket pick-up for the G.I. Joe Collector’s Convention!  That’s the time where the fans with premium passes get early access to the 2014 Zombie Initiative and Codename: G.I. Joe convention sets!

JBL will not be onsite this year due to some “real world” issues however good friend of the site Mike Breaux of TheBreauxShow.com is attending this weekend and will be posting several updates throughout the next few days.  You can follow him directly on Twitter at http://www.twitter.com/thebreauxshow.  JBL will also repost news here on the front page as it is reported.

Also, be sure to check out the coverage over at YoJoe.com and GeneralsJoes.com as Justin “General Hawk” Bell is on scene for the 50th Anniversary celebration of “America’s Movable Fighting Man”!

To all who are attending– have a great weekend!

For more information on this year’s convention, visit GIJoeCon.com!

G.I. Joe Convention Joe Colton Revealed!

2014 G.I. Joe Convention Joe Colton

Sometimes the G.I. Joe Collector’s Club pulls off a surprise in their G.I. Joe Convention reveals.  Today, rather than release an image from the “Zombie Initiative” set, they’ve instead given fans a look at a figure that will be available as part of the 12″ set– the “original Joe” General Joe Colton!

It’s an interesting idea– and based very much on his appearance in Marvel Comics G.I. Joe: A Real American Hero vol 1 #86 in which he was identified as “just a guy named Joe”.  Working with “Jane”, his former nurse and now an astrophysicist, they managed the operations for a Strategic Defense Initiative station located in the Chrysler Buidling in New York City!

In terms of parts, this is pretty much the SDCC Rise of Cobra Destro body with one of the 1:18 Club Exclusive Adventure Team heads on top.  It’s a good look for General Joe and one that directly captures his comic appearance.

As previously announced by the Club, Joe Colton will be available as part of the 12″ set loose and sold carded separately.

For more information on this year’s G.I. Joe Convention in Dallas, TX visit GIJoeCon.com.

G.I. Joe Convention 2014 Joe Colton Will Be Available Carded!

G.I. Joe Convention 2014

Yesterday’s G.I. Joe Convention 2014 news rocked the online Joe fandom with its announcement of ECO-Warriors vs. Zombies for this year’s 1:18 con set.  However, it was the news that a 1:18 scale Joseph Colton was going to be included in the 1:6 scale set that received most of the discussion I’d read.  Fans were wondering if this figure would be available to those who didn’t purchase the 1:6 set.  Well, according to the official Joe Con Facebook page, it will be:

We are getting questions about the 3 3/4″ Joseph Colton figure:

“I see that there is a 3 3/4” Joseph Colton that comes with the General’s Package (with the club display stand system). I’m a 3 3/4” collector and don’t want to purchase the 12” set just to get this loose figure. Are there any plans to make this figure available to other attendees?”

Yes! We will be carding a number of these same figures (no display stand or backdrop) for our 3 3/4” attendees to have access to this figure.

This was left out of the brochure accidentally. We hope that answers everyone’s questions.

I think that single announcement just made the fandom a lot happier!

Today is G.I. Joe Retaliation day – G.I. Joe

It’s time for the final image in Twitziller‘s fantastic “40 Reasons to be Excited for G.I. Joe Retaliation” series with the best reason of them all – G.I. Joe!

g.i. joe retaliation - joe colton


Some things just speak for themselves.  When Larry Hama first introduced Joe Colton into the G.I. Joe: A Real American Hero title I was floored!  It was the first honest attempt to draw a connection between the world of the 12″ Joes and the Adventure Team and the 1:18 ARAH era.  In a flawless move, Larry gave a name to the 12″ Adventure Team Commander and made him the inspiration for the then-current team.  Brilliant!!!

When Jon M. Chu and his team set out to cast the movie there was one name to which they looked to bring such an iconic character to life: Bruce Willis.  No other American actor today has the presence, cinematic history, and attitude to bring General Colton to life– even if he doesn’t have “life-like hair and beard.”  Bravo, team.  Bravo.

Now we’re at the end— G.I. Joe Retaliation is now in theatres.  So, quit lolly-gagging around looking at your computer and go out and see the movie already!   Yo Joe!!

A HUGE thanks to Twitziller for all of his hard work in crafting these images.  We’ve never met, good sir, but when we do the first brew is on me.


G.I. Joe Retaliation Wave 3 Joe Colton reviewed!

It’s been a while since any new G.I. Joe reviews have been posted at JBL and there is a good reason.  After a year long search, I finally bought and moved into a new house over the holidays. The good part is that there is a lot more room for Amanda, the cats, and I.  The bad news is that most of Joe stuff is still in boxes– and that includes the photo setup.  However, some quick jury rigging allowed me to shoot a few pics recently of my most anticipated figure from the entire G.I. Joe Retaliation line: Joe Colton!  Sure, the photos are quite up to my usual standards but they proved to be a lot of fun to shoot!

I won’t lie– I don’t see this figure as the bearded General that Larry Hama first introduced us to back in G.I. Joe vol 1 #86.  Instead, I picture him as a certain plucky New York cop who always seems to find himself in the wrong place at the wrong time when terrorists attack.  That’s right– I’m talking about Officer John McClane of the Die Hard franchise.

Regardless of how you use this Bruce Willis action figure in your collection, check out JBL’s first review of 2013 in the G.I. Joe Retaliation Review Index!

G.I. Joe Retaliation Snake Eyes Joe Colton Roadblock

Look who’s getting reviewed soon– Joe Colton! (Or more importantly JOHN McCLANE!)

A very special G.I. Joe: Retaliation box arrived in the mail here at “JBL HQ” last week.  Normally I wouldn’t order a figure early like this nor would I pay significantly more than retail (as I’m cheap) but the subject matter was just too good to be ignored.

Some folks may call him Joe Colton from G.I. Joe Retaliation but for the majority of us he’ll always be Officer John McClane of the NYPD!

I wanted to toss up a quick headshot photo to alleviate folks concerns about the head likeness and the neck.  The head sculpt is SOLID and the dreaded “Recondo neck” has been fixed!  (Thanks John Warden!)

Expect a review coming this week!

G.I. Joe Retaliation Bruce Willis