Just a reminder in the midst of all of the pre-SDCC hype that G.I. Joe has a new DVD dropping tomorrow! Fans of the DiC animated series will soon be able to complete their collection as Shout Factory releases G.I. Joe Series 2, season 2 on July 10, 2012!
Let’s be honest– when compared to the Sunbow series, the DiC episodes of the 90’s left a lot to be desired. The plots in season 2 of the second series were– well, let’s just say that “Kindergarten Commandos” sums it all up. However, this series is also the only time that certain characters and character designs were ever featured in animation. Characters like Pathfinder, Metalhead, Salvo, Bullhorn, Iron Grenadier Destro, and even the Ninja Force all made their first and only appearances during DiC’s tenure. Plus, this volume has a short special feature with members of the Hasbro design team discussing their recollections of the series as well as the origin of the Python Patrol!
Check out this promo video for volume 1 and snag your copy at a local retailer tomorrow! (Just don’t walk around chanting “Brainy Bradley!” Seriously– not cool.)
Check out these recent reviews of the Season 2 release:
So, what do YOU think of Series 2? Has it aged well? Is it good cheesy fun or the abomination some fans claim? Sound off!