He’s got a SWORD! Come on man! LET’S GO!
(It’s Cobra Commander after all…)
He’s got a SWORD! Come on man! LET’S GO!
(It’s Cobra Commander after all…)
Don’t I do nice things for you? Here, read about Shipwreck. Go on. SHOO.
It’s been a month (and a little more) since I last reviewed something, so I thought it only fair that I…um…not review anything.
You obtain armoring of the motorcycle! Excellent review!
It’s been forever since I’ve written a review for JBL. However, that hasn’t stopped me from still reading reviews of Joe products both old and new. As such, I’ve been LOVING the “Many Faces Of…” series that Zed has been posting over at ZedsJoeSite.com. Sure, I may not always agree with his ratings but I still enjoy seeing such a comprehensive look at the many versions of a single character that Hasbro has inundated fans and collectors since the relaunch of G.I. Joe back in 2000.
It seemed a no-brainer that both Snake Eyes and Storm Shadow would be featured given the fact that they seem to have a new version released every third Thursday of the month. However, I was extremely pleased to see that Zed takes on Cobra’s premiere saboteur in his latest installment!
Check out The Many Faces of Firefly over at Zed’s site!
Why buy any other toys? You have SNAKE EYES.
Hey folks: you ever wish that your action figures came with a little more…CRAZY? Well your wish has been granted! PoC Spirit is here with so much concentrated crazy, you could use it to fill twinkies! I’d call ’em crazy cakes!
How much awesome? Come find out! If he oozed any more, he’d be a T.C.R.I. canister!
Snake Eyes is back, and he’s got a coat! Not only that, but what’s that under his visor? Painted eyes? Wow! Come on in and check out Snake Eyes again. You’ll be mildly interested! Maybe!