G.I. Joe FSS 5 Shipment 1 is inbound!

The first shipment from G.I. Joe FSS 5 is heading to subscribers!

G.I. Joe FSS 5 logoIt’s that time again– when subscribers to the G.I. Joe Collector’s Club Figure Subscription Service eagerly start checking their mailboxes and front porches on a daily basis.  That’s right Joe fans, G.I. Joe FSS 5 shipment 1 is on its way and, thanks to Alyosha of both Broken Arrow Toys and the newly-formed Chicken Fried Toys, we’ve got images of this first shipment!

For those of you who wish to remain “unspoiled” in this age of information overload, turn back now.  We’re going to highlight just exactly who is in this first shipment.

G.I. Joe FSS 4 shipment

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G.I. Joe FSS 5 General Flagg demands your attention!

The G.I. Joe FSS 5 previews are coming fast and furious with General Flagg!

G.I. Joe FSS 5 General Flagg

(Based on the 1993 Battle Corps action figure!)Includes: removable hat, sub machine gun, top secret files briefcase, pistol, and figure stand.NOTE: All images are Photoshop representations, final product, accessories and/or colors may vary!

Hmm… this is an interesting take on the original 1993 General Flagg.   The jacket is from the 2013 Retaliation masked Firefly— which is “okay” but doesn’t really seem to this Joe fan like something that a general would wear.  (Maybe it’s a bit too biker in feel?) The legs are from 2011 Pursuit of Cobra Duke which are nice and functional and offer a decent range of motion.  The head choice also just seems a bit young to my eyes.  (More Airborne clones!  I don’t know how well the 2012 Brekhov hat is going to stay on that head.)  So, it’s a visually interesting update but one that seems just a bit off in terms of faithfulness to the vintage design.

We’re now four figures in on the previews.  Anyone else thinking that the sign-up is coming in two weeks? Continue reading