G.I. Joe: Renegades on hiatus…

Justin over at GeneralsJoes.com has some bad news for fans of the current animated Joe series airing on Hasbro’s HUB network:

G.I. Joe: Renegades

Well, consider the unfortunate news confirmed.  I spoke with Public Relations at The Hub, and they have confirmed that G.I. Joe: Renegades will cease airing original episodes after the summer.  They have declared the series “On Hiatus” in anticipation of the upcoming film sequel.

This sounds remarkably similar to the situation with Transformers: Animated after the third season, as it was phased out in favor for a style closer to the live action Transformers films.  Considering how much stronger fan support Renegades seem to generate, especially when compared to the Rise of Cobra film, this is a disappointing turn of events, to say the least.

Let’s all hope that the next live action film franchise is closer to the spirit of A Real American Hero than the previous film was, so the animation doesn’t potentially suffer for it.  The entire text of the communication from The Hub is below.

You can read the rest of the news, including a quote from Hub’s PR department over at GeneralsJoes.com.

It would seem that the creative direction of the G.I. Joe franchise is once again at the mercy of Paramount Pictures.

(A big thanks to Justin for all of his hard work digging up the facts on this.)

You’re Invited to Hasbro’s BONUS Q&A!‏

Hello G.I. Joe Fans! 

Hasbro shares the fans’ excitement for this first season of G.I. Joe Renegades and we’re sure you have some great questions that you’ve been dying to ask since the show’s debut this past November.  Well, now is your chance!

Hasbro is offering you an opportunity to participate in a special bonus round of our G.I. Joe Q&A in which the team at The Hub and Hasbro Studios behind the hit G.I. Joe Renegades show will answer your questions!

If your outlet would like to participate, please submit one (1) question by Friday, January 21 at 3:00 PM .  The team’s responses will be returned by February 7.

Looking forward to getting your questions, and have a great weekend! 


 Click HERE for more details!

Generals Joes Top Ten Storyline Events in RAH History

Justin “General Hawk” has compiled a list of the Top Ten Storyline Events in Real American History over on Generals Joes.  The list spans the most recent animated movie Resolute, Sunbow Cartoon, Marvel Comics and Devil’s Due with some of the best storylines ever told.  There’s my personal favorite “Worlds Without End”, along with The Battle of Benzheen and Trucial Abysma, The MASS Device, The Cobra Civil War and many more.  So what are you waiting for go on over and check it out.

‘G.I. Joe’ premiere’s on ‘The HUB’~In Retro!

With much thanks to ‘GeneralJoes.com’, we have been kept abreast of the delay surrounding ‘Renegades’ release.


We can relive our old 80’s ‘Glory Days’ as ‘The HUB’ begins tonight to run the classic Joe ‘toons.

Head on over to the ‘Renegades’discussion thread and chat about the good, bad and other of the original cartoon variation of our favorite action heroes and villains!!!

YO JOE!!!!

G.I.Joe Renegades Character Bio’s Revealed!

Discovery Channel has released more info on G.I.Joe Renegades with character bio’s and more.  Go on over here to check it out!  WARNING:  Text contains potential spoilers about the series.  G.I. Joe: Renegades debuts on October 10, 2010 on the Hub Network.

(Credit to The Terrordrome and General’sJoes for  the info.)

New Avengers cartoon trailer = WOW!

It’s not often that I abuse my admin status around here to post things that have nothing to do with GIJoe but today is one of those times.  This trailer is pure awesomeness wrapped in maple-flavored bacon!  Seriously– so much coolness I don’t know where to begin!

Here’s the synopsis from Disney XD:

Featuring IRON MAN, THOR, CAPTAIN AMERICA and THE HULK! When the planet is threatened by Super Villains, time traveling conquerors, alien invaders, mythical monsters or mad robots bent on the total destruction of humanity, when the forces of evil are so overwhelming that no single hero has the power to save the world, when there is no hope left…the AVENGERS ASSEMBLE! All-new The Avengers: Earth’s Mightiest Heroes animated series from Marvel Animation premiering on Disney XD this fall!

Just watch it for yourself…

Source: http://www.comicbookresources.com/?page=video&show_id=382116