G.I.jOE Woos Jem in Honda Commercial

g.i. joe jem honda

Even at 50, G.I.jOE still has a way with the ladies!

Honda’s current retro “Happy Honda Days” ad campaign has featured a number of classic toys having all manner of adventures in and around the latest Honda vehicles.  However, none of these spots have caught my eye as much as the ones featuring good old Adventure Team Commander G.I.jOE!  In this latest spot, Joe gets his “woo on” and serenades Jem in an effort to melt her icy heart.

Guess what– it works!

Also, Honda is apparently willing to donate $50,000 to the Orange County Children’s Hospital if the video is the “most viewed” from its Holiday Tunes playlist.  If you enjoyed it, consider giving it a share!

It’s good to see that someone is acknowledging the older figures in the G.I. Joe 50th Anniversary year.

Happy Thanksgiving from JBL!

Thanksgiving Christmas G.I. Joe


Happy Thanksgiving from JBL!

Sure, it’s not “Joe news” but this time of year it’s nice to take time out of a crazy schedule to appreciate the things that you have.  In the United States, today is the day that millions of Americans sit down with family and friends over a sumptuous meal and try to remember all of the things that they have to be grateful for.  As such, JBL would like to extend some “thanks of our own” on this blustery morning here in Central Illinois.

I’d like to thank each and every person reading this message right now.  It sounds corny but it’s true.  JBL isn’t a for-profit site– content here isn’t created to try and generate revenue.  Instead, new reviews, articles, and the occasional bit of news are all posted to help serve as a resource for the G.I. Joe fans around the world.  As such, I’d like to thank you for stopping by for you’re the reason this site exists!

I’d also toss a shout out to all of the various G.I. Joe creators I’ve met and interacted with over the years.  Without each of your unique talents and vision, the brand that we know today wouldn’t exist.  I know I’m going to miss a plenty of names but to folks like Larry Hama, Kirk Bozigian, Chuck Dixon, Buzz Dixon, Ron Wagner, Herb Trimpe, Brandon Jerwa, Josh Blaylock, Mike O’Sullivan, Ron Rudat, the late Don Levine, the crew from Boss Fight Studio, and others– thank you for your vision, creativity, and perseverance. Sure, Joe seems to have fallen on some hard time lately but the vibrant fandom is keeping the memory of “Man of Action” and “Real American Hero” alive today.

Also, to all of the friends that I’ve made through this hobby, just a quick note of thanks.  I won’t list all of you but I just wanted to say thanks for the support and the acknowledgement that “JBL is still there!”

Lastly, to the men and women of our Armed Forces, I’d like to say thank you.  Past and present, you are truly the REAL American Heroes!

May you all enjoy a blessed day!

Plus, check back next week as we round out the 50th Anniversary Reviews!

JBL Thanksgiving

Happy 50th Anniversary Jonny Quest!

Jonny Quest

Happy 50th Anniversary Jonny Quest!  That’s right– it was 50 years ago today in 1964 that animated action/action series from Hanna Barbera made its debut on ABC and sparked a cult following that lasts to this day.

With its combination of action and science fiction, Jonny Quest took audiences by storm in the 1964 – 1965 Fall season.  The series featured grim action, frequent character deaths, and a much more realistic tone and visual style than anything previous developed by Hanna Barbera – a studio better known for series such as The Flintstones and eventually Scooby Doo. It was comic artist Doug Wildey that gave the series its distinctive style.  The artist took inspiration from then-cutting edge technology featured in magazines like Popular Science and Popular Mechanics as well the comic series Terry and the Pirates and even the first film in the James Bond franchise Dr. No.  Villains and menaces were presented in a realistic fashion and the action was far more cinematic than other animation at the time.  While there were a few exceptions, the series treated its subjects and its stories as seriously as possible and avoided many of the cartoon cliches that were often played for laughs.

Jonny Quest balanced action and humor through the use of its multi-generational and multi-ethnic cast.  While Jonny may have been the title character, the focus of the series was divided up between this genius scientist father, quasi-mystical childhood friend Hadji, and coolest bodyguard ever Race Bannon!  When the series called for dark action, the focus shifted to Dr. Quest and Race while Jonny and Hadji were stars of the more lighthearted adventure sequences.  Last, but not least– there was Bandit, Jonny’s trusty dog whose bark was always more prevalent than his bite.

The “Quest team” faced menaces from lost species to sinister secret organizations to an extra-dimensional energy creature that evoked memories of the classic film Forbidden Planet!  Mummies, Nazi criminals, and even a pterosaur were all menaces that were overcome by this fearsome foursome and their trusty dog!

It wasn’t just the visual style that made Jonny Quest unique.  One has only to watch a few minutes of the series before the distinctive musical style of Hoyt Curtin finds you tapping your fingers to the cool beats of the jazz orchestra.  Rather than the bombastic marches of the Hollywood series, the Adventures of Jonny Quest had a decidedly cool and modern feel that sets the series aside from its peers to this day.  Sadly, an official soundtrack album to this series has never been released, although a solid bootleg album of Curtin’s music can be found through “other means.”

Wait a minute– what does Jonny Quest have to do with G.I. Joe?  One has only to look at the 1970 launch of the G.I. Joe Adventure Team to see the connections.  A daring team of ex-soldiers and scientists turned adventurers and explorers travel the world to avert natural disasters, confront nefarious villains, and even save the occasional endangered species.  Sound familiar?  The G.I. Joe Collector’s Club must think so; the next time you call up their office just listen carefully to the hold music.  (Not to mention several mentions in the Adventure Team newsletter comic and bios.)

The series lasted for only one season on ABC but it returned to the airwaves a few years later on CBS and then a few more years later on NBC making it one of the only series ever to air on all three major networks.  It has served as an inspiration for countless television, comic and movie series over the intervening decades and is still shown on sporadically on Cartoon Network.  Not bad for a half-century old series.  Sure, there were a few follow-up movies and an attempt to modernize the series in the late 90’s but none of these captured the same spark and flair of the original 1960’s series. Now if only we could get some decent 1:18 scale figures of these characters!

Why was Jonny Quest so popular?  Why has it endured for a half century?  I think it’s the fact that Jonny Quest embraces so many genres in one convenient package.  It’s horror, science fiction, spy thriller, and adventure series all rolled into one package.  The stories combined so many elements from 60’s super-science to pulp era villains that its almost hard to drop JQ into one single category.  If you took James Bond, Indiana Jones, Reed Richards, Jack Armstrong, Nathan Drake, and MacGyver and threw them all into a centrifuge the resulting combination would be Jonny Quest!

Happy anniversary, Jonny Quest!  You’ve been often copied but never equaled!

Rest in Peace Robin Williams

Robin Williams as Popeye 1982


Sometimes listening to the news isn’t such a good thing.  Robin Williams, star of stand-up and screens large and small, died yesterday of an apparent suicide.

I realize that this is pretty dark stuff for a website dedicated to what was once a child’s toy line.  However, Robin Williams was one of those figures whose passing deserves mention.  He was a dynamic tour-de-force– someone whose boundless energy couldn’t be contained by a mere stage and screen performance.  Rather, it infected every single person in his audience and left them smiling.

From his early appearances as Mork on the sitcom Happy Days to his most recent television role on the cancelled CBS series The Crazy Ones he displayed a wit and an intelligence that was unparalleled among his peers.  Growing up, I was amazed that the intricate tapestry of topics he wove in his landmark stand-up performance “A Night at the Met“.  From the then-current state of the Middle East to his thoughts on fatherhood, he was capable of taking a performance from profane to profound in just a matter of moments.  He wasn’t just a comedian whose routines relied on vulgarity but rather an intellectual who merely had no filters whatsoever.

A favorite role of mine was possibly one of his oddest career choices and yet one that perfectly embodied the limitless capabilities of this dynamic individual– that of the title character in Robert Altman’s 1980 musical comic adaptation Popeye.  Universally panned by critics, Williams’ performance showed that the actor threw himself into the role 110% and the result is one of the most underrated moments in his career.  While I enjoyed other films like Fisher King, Dead Poet’s Society, Good Morning Viet Nam, and even the World According to Garp, it was always Popeye that was a favorite. (With Toys being a close second.)

After a lifetime of battling depression, Mr. Williams ended his time on this earth yesterday.  He was 63 years old.  While comedians and actors rise in prominence all of the time, none will ever outshine the genius of Robin Williams.

So long, Robin.  Thanks for the laughs and for the tears.  You will be missed.

Guardians of the Galaxy Showings Start TONIGHT!

Guardians of the Galaxy

One of the advantages of owning your own website is you can talk about whatever you want.  So, in taking a break from G.I. Joe for a moment, I’m here to talk about the Guardians of the Galaxy.

Early screenings for the film start tonight and this particular admin cannot wait!  Seriously, 7:00pm CST is so incredibly far away right now!

For those of you who have been living in a cave and haven’t heard of the Guardians of the Galaxy, it’s the latest installment in the insanely awesome Marvel Cinematic Universe.  However, instead of focusing on Earth where the action has been dominated by the Avengers, director James Gunn is taking the audience out into space and is following the actions of Star Lord, a human from earth who has no idea what his place in the universe is.  However, with the help of a talking gun-toting raccoon, a brawling tree with a heart of gold, a maniac bent on revenge, and the deadliest assassin in the galaxy, he’s about to confront his destiny head-on, all while jamming out to some 1970’s AM rock-n-roll. C’mon, what’s NOT to love?  It’s like Farscape with the budget of Star Wars!

The film’s based on the incarnation of the team that formed up in 2008 and promises to be one heck of a ride.  In fact, over at RottenTomatoes.com, the film’s rating (at the time I’m writing this) is holding steady at 91% fresh.  (6 “rotten” reviews out of a total of 67 posted thus far.)

So, if you’re tired of reading about the current state of G.I. Joe and want to “get away from it all”, check out the Guardians of the Galaxy this weekend.  I know I will.  (Possibly multiple times!)

You’re welcome…

Happy Independence Day!

Freedom is the Right of All Sentient Beings
JoeBattlelines.com would like to wish everyone a Happy Independence Day!

Today is more than just a day filled with cookouts, days off of work, and fireworks.  For those of us in the United States, it’s the birthday of our nation.  More importantly, it’s the birthday of a nation based upon the principles set out in these words:

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness, That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.

Dated “July 4, 1776”, the document quoted above was signed by a group of brave men who sought to free their friends and neighbors from what was then an oppressive government and establish a bold new experiment in representative government. Their actions forever shaped the world and helped create a nation that has forever changed the way people view the notion of “Freedom.”

So, to all who read this– we here at JBL wish you a happy and safe 4th of July.  Whether the time be spent with family, friends, or even in some quiet reflect, take a few moments today to be thankful for the freedoms that you enjoy.

A full copy of the Declaration of Independence may be found here.

Boss Fight Studio Kickstarter Reaches Its Goal!

Boss Fight Studio Kickstarter
With 36 more days to go, the Boss Fight Studio Kickstarter has reached it’s initial goal of $75,000.00!  This means the Vitruvian HACKS line is guaranteed to go forward and that any subsequent funds raised will count directly toward the amazing Stretch Goals offered!

This is what BFS member Dave Proctor had to say earlier today:

Attention Boss Fighters! Our very own Vitruvian H.A.C.K.S. action figure Kickstarter has met the $75,000 funding goal!!!!! A HUGE heart felt thanks, from all of us here at Boss Fight, to all of you that have helped us to come this far! We are preparing a very special reveal from our series three lineup to celebrate this milestone, please stay tuned! Know lets hunker down and start working on those stretch goals….

That’s right– now that the project is funded it’s time to focus on those amazingly Stetch Goals!  After all, who doesn’t want a veritable army of Gorgons and Spartans!  To contribute, check out the Boss Fight Studio Kickstarter and let’s keep this project growing!

Congratulations to the entire crew of Boss Fight Studio on the successful funding of their first in-house figure line!  Soon fans will be able to set up their own Vitruvian HACKS Spartan army!

Boss Fight Studio

Boss Fight Studio Kickstarter is LIVE!

Boss Fight Studio Kickstarter

It’s finally here– the Boss Fight Studio Kickstarter for their Vitruvian HACKS figure series is now live!

Unless you’ve been hiding in a cave in Cobra-La for the past few years you’re probably familiar with the work of Boss Fight Studio.  This talented group of former Hasbro employees has worked on lines from Marvel Legends to G.I. Joe to the annual G.I. Joe Collector’s Convention sets.  (Remember Nocturnal Fire and the Zombie Initiative? Yeah, it’s THOSE guys!)

Now this insanely talented group has decided to take their skills to the next level and branch out with their own proprietary figure line. Dubbed the Vitruvian HACKS (Highly Articulated Character Kit System), this series promises insane articulation on both male and female bodies in the 1:18 scale translated into a variety of classic themes.  That’s right– mythology, fantasy, and science fiction– they’re all on the table with the HACKS system.

So, what can you do to help?  How can you obtain some of these fantastic figures?  This is where the Boss Fight Studio Kickstarter comes in!

In less than 24 hours and with 38 days to go, the crew has already raised just shy of $28,000 of their $75,000 goal.  Your support of this project via Kickstarter can ensure two things:  the project’s success and your own ability to obtain some truly awesome figures at launch!  Plus, with their stretch goals, the rewards for supporting the Vitruvian HACKS only get better with the more funds that are raised.  Plus, this is a Kickstarter supported project which means that your funds are secure.

So, what are you waiting for– an engraved invitation from the Boss Fight Crew?  Hit the link below, show your support and tell your friends!  Remember, the deadline to pledge is Friday July 11, 2014 @ 9:52pm PDT!

Boss Fight Studio’s Vitruvian HACKS Kickstarter

Need more encouragement?  Check out these images for the FIRST series!

Remember Them On Memorial Day

Memorial Day


Today is Memorial Day.

Formally know as “Decoration Day“, this is a day that it set aside to honor the sacrifices of the men and women of the United States Armed Forces.  It’s a day to honor their service and remember those who are no longer with us.

If you know a veteran or see one today, stop and thank them for their service to their country.  Even if you don’t agree with the mission, honor the soldier whose diligence guarantees that we live in the “land of the free and the home of the brave.”

To all of our veterans and active duty service men and women, I say “Thank you.”  Thank you for giving up your time, your energy, your blood, sweat, and tears to ensure that I have the freedom to write a post like this.  Mere words cannot ever repay the debt that we all owe you.  You are the REAL American Heroes.

G.I. Joe #21 Silent Interlude Gets Animated


Yes, this isn’t exactly “breaking news”.  However, in light of IDW’s forthcoming 30th Anniversary Silent Interlude hardcover release I found this to be pretty relevant.

A number of years ago, Youtube user xgivanx sat down and “animated” the most famous issue of Larry Hama’s Marvel G.I. Joe run.  It’s not as flashy as some of the more recent motion comics that Marvel has produced but this nine minute video is a fun way to revisit one of the most copied comic stories of all time.  With the state of Joe being what it is anymore it’s doubtful that we’d ever get a real motion comic version so in the meantime this will have to suffice.

So sit back and enjoy a little lunchtime theater.  It might help take the sting out of another Monday…