G.I. Joe Single Pack Wave 4 Revealed

GIJoe.Com has revealed the single pack Wave 4 figures on their site here. The pics are also mirrored (and in larger format at GIJoeClub.com).

The lineup is as follows:

Snake Eyes w/ Parka
Roadblock City Assault
COBRA Officer (Python Patrol)
Baroness v.2
Flint Tiger Force
COBRA Commander
Major Bludd

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25th Anniversary Comic Packs REVIEWED!


The “tag-team” reviews are back!

Justin and Fred take a look at the newly-released 25th Anniversary comic packs #1, #14, #21, and #24! This time, however, they brought along a third in the form of Scott “madmac41” McAllister– as the “terrible trio” takes on comic pack #30 featuring the Dreadnoks!

It’s all in the newly created 25th Anniversary Comic Pack Index here at JBL!

Joseph Gordon-Levitt is Cobra Commander?

clapboard.gifFirst rumored by MovieWeb.com to be the choice for the “most dangerous man alive”, it would seem that Joseph Gordon-Levitt might have been cast as Cobra Commander in the live action motion picture due to hit theatres in 2009.

GIJoeClub.com has updated their “movie cast” page with an new photoshopped image of the actor’s face over a Cobra logo. No official confirmation has been made by either Hasbro or Paramount Pictures at this time.

Check out Joseph Gordon-Levitt’s resume on IMDB.com.

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Major Bludd: MIA?

bludd2.gif“Oh Bludd, where art thou?”

Yesterday’s reveal of 2008 Wave 3 at both GIJoe.com and GIJoeClub.com made quite a splash in the online community. However, one figure was noticeably absent: Cobra’s resident “poet laureate”, Major Sebastian Bludd. According to Neal Hoffman, brand manager for GIJoe, the Australian poet was delayed until 2008 Wave 4 as Hasbro wanted him to be as perfect as possible.

So, fans of Bludd– don’t despair, Sebastian is coming. He’s just one month later than expected.

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Updated “Rescue Doc” mail-in form!

Hasbro logoThe “Operation: Rescue Doc” redemption form has been updated!

Ever since it was announced that Battle Points (and Flag Points) could be redeemed for additional Doc figures, fans have been looking for a way to indicate this on their order forms.  Hasbro listened and a new redemption form has been posted at both GIJoe.com and GIJoeClub.com.

Hasbro also released the following statement regarding the redemption:

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Duke casting narrowed down

Latino Review is reporting that the casting process for Duke in the upcoming G.I. Joe film has been narrowed down to three finalists. Those finalists are Chris Evans, Channing Tatum, and Matthew Fox.

This is still rumor mill material so far, but Latino Review has a decent track record. It should also be noted that the writer at Latino Review is quite optimistic about what he’s been hearing about the G.I. Joe film from an insider’s perspective. Hopefully this means good things down the road.

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Wave 3 2008 posted tonight on GIJoe.com

dukewave3.gifKeep your eyes peeled to GIJoe.Com tonight, as we expect 2008 Wave 3 pictures to be posted sometime this evening. Wave 3 features Major Bludd (not shown), Wild Bill, Viper, Spirit Iron Knife, Snake Eyes v.4, HISS Driver, and Duke w/ Jet Pack.

UPDATE: Pics have been posted at GIJOE.COM!

Click here to discuss these pictures on our forums when they are shown!

2008 Wave 3 available for pre-order!

Both EntertainmentEarth.com and BigBadToyStore.com have the wave 3 2008 figures available for pre-order!

The case breakdown is as follows: 1x Major Bludd, 1x Wild Bill, 1x HISS Driver, 2x Cobra Viper, 1x Spirit Iron Knife, 1x Snake Eyes #4, 1x Duke with Jetpack. This information is subject to change.

No pictures are available at this time.

Has Destro been cast?

clapboard.gifAccording to both LatinoReview.com and IESB.net the role of James Cullen aka “Destro” may be going to actor Dominic West.

Last seen in as “Theron” in 300 and soon-to-be hitting screens as “Jigsaw” in Punisher: War Zone, this actor could very well soon be donning a metal mask and arming the Cobra organization.

No official confirmation is available at this time.

 UPDATE: IESB.net has ammended their previous article to state that the rumor is indeed false. 

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More five-page previews up at GIJoe.com!

215.jpgThe comic previews keep on coming!

GIJoe.com has added exclusive previews of all of the wave 3 exclusive comics written by Larry Hama. Five-page “first looks” are available for the following:

#21.5 – “Silence without Borders”
#32.5 – “Bad Day at the Circus”
#36.5 – “One Day in Springfield”

All three comic packs will be available later this spring.

Check out all three previews here!