Designer Bobby Vala interviewed at Hasbro Pulse

Hasbro Pulse has a brand new article posted – an interview with designer Bobby Vala.  The subject?  The Cobra Missile Command Headquarters!

Cobra Missile Command Headquarters mockupI’m not going to lie– I LOVE the Cobra Missile Command Headquarters.  First, I ranted about it here on JBL. In addition, I raved about it over on Just Another G.I. Joe Show.  It’s been a “Holy Grail” item for me for years and this year’s convention exclusive release was essentially a dream come true.  (Save for its limited availability- but that’s a story for another time.) Yet, I found myself wondering “Why this playset?  Why now?”

In a rare opportunity, this admin was able to sit down and discuss this iconic playset and the process of its reconstruction with Hasbro designer Bobby Vala.  He discusses the process of recreating this iconic piece of A Real American Hero history as well as the process of updating the included figures to modern specs.  Bobby’s passion for this project shines through in every answer. As a result, it’s obvious that this was truly a labor of love!

Check it out over on Hasbro Pulse!  Plus, if you’d like to see more features like this, let us know in the comments below!

Cobra Missile Command Headquarters box front

Reminder: SDCC 2017 exclusive items to hit Monday

On Monday, August 14, 2017 MOST of the Hasbro SDCC exclusive items will hit!

broken f5 button

“And there came a day unlike any other…”

No, we’re not talking about the first ever team-up of Marvel’s Avengers! Monday is going to be Summer Exclusives Day at  That’s right– it’s that “magical time” (Read: FRUSTRATING) day in which fans from across the world will all be hitting and using their F5 keys to refresh their browsers in order to get the items they want.

Have no fear, Joe fans!  While we don’t know WHEN everything is going to drop– we do now WHAT the URL’s of the exclusive items will be.  To save yourself some time and some hasty item searches, here are all of the items and the pricepoints on each that will be dropping on Monday:

You can also see the FULL ITEM LIST if you’re looking for more than one item.

NOTE: Each item appears to be limited to 2 per household. (Save for the Magic set and Optimus Prime which is 1 per household.)

Good luck to everyone who is hitting the site tomorrow.  May you all get everything that you’re after!