22 days until G.I. Joe Retaliation – visual effects

As we near the three week mark, Twitziller continues his countdown to G.I. Joe Retaliation with today’s reason to be excited: visual effects!

We live in an era where visual effects can make or break a movie.  Remember Wolverine Origins and the dodgy CGI used to simulate Logan’s trademark claws in a number of the scenes?  Or even G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra and some of the effects for the desert sand and the Howlers?  While the movie is still only an eagerly anticipated phenomenon here in the United States at this point, what we’ve seen of Retaliation promises some top-notch visual effects.  The snow avalanche and the destruction of the Cobra satellite looks amazing– as does the motorcycle-to-missiles sequence.  Even with a reduced budget when compared to its lackluster predecessor, director Jon M. Chu appears to have maximized his FX budget on the key sequences that couldn’t be shot practically… and the result looks stunning.

Okay, now how soon can I reserve tickets to a midnight showing?

You can check out the rest of Twitziller’s Countdown to G.I. Joe Retaliation images below:

24 days until G.I. Joe Retaliation – Cobra Troopers

Twitziller continues the countdown to G.I. Joe Retaliation on March 28th with today’s reason to get excited: Cobra Troopers!

The backbone of any army is the rank and file soldiers.  Those troops conduct the missions, execute the objectives, and put themselves at risk for something larger than themselves.  In the case of G.I. Joe Retaliation, those troopers are members of Cobra Special Forces— what appears to be a Blackwater-style private military organization that is secretly funded by Cobra Commander.  With a new more realistic urban camouflage uniform and practical gear, these troopers are part of the Cobra revolution and it is up to the Joe team to stop it!

I can’t wait for the movie nor can I wait for the forthcoming “Cobra Combat Ninja” action figure in wave 3!

You can view the entire series here:

C’mon guys and gals– the film is now dropping in 23 more days!  Can you feel the excitement? G.I. Joe Retaliation is coming!!!

25 days until G.I. Joe Retaliation– Jinx!

Twitziller continues his countdown to the premiere of G.I. Joe Retaliation with today’s image: Jinx!

Jinx is a character that received a lot more exposure in the Marvel Comics series than she did in any of the animated adventures from Sunbow.  (She made her only 80’s animated appearance in the controversial G.I. Joe: The Movie.)  The blind-fighting cousin of Thomas Arashikage, this female ninja was reported to bring bad luck to anyone who worked with her.  Yet Jinx, like most of the females in the G.I. Joe mythos, was hardly a damsel in distress.  Strong, capable, and deadly Kim Arashikage was force to be reckoned with on both the screen and the page.

This time around she’ll be brought to life by actress Elodie Yung as she throws on some yellow and black to assist Snake Eyes in what appears to be a daring mountain top extraction mission worthy of a similar scenario carried out by Snake Eyes and Agent Helix in the IDW solo Snake Eyes series.

We’re less than four week away… and G.I. Joe Retaliation looks better and better with each passing moment.

Check out the rest of Twitziller’s reasons to get excited for Retaliation below:


G.I. Joe Retaliation – now debuting on March 28!

Hmm… this is an interesting bit of G.I. Joe Retaliation news.

According to both the official Facebook page and website for the film, the release date for the Jon M. Chu-directed sequel has been moved up one day– to March 28, 2012.  That’s right– G.I. Joe Retaliation will now be dropping into theatres on a Thursday instead of on Friday.

I’m more than a little suspicious that this was done in order to maximize the weekend box office over the Easter holiday weekend.  (It has nothing to do with the fact that my birthday is the same day.  Really.)

Check out the new updated banner image that appeared on Facebook earlier this morning:

G.I. Joe Retaliation March 28


It would seem that the snazzy new poster I picked up a few months ago is a bit out of date.  Heck, I could start a collection of the various release date posters at this point!  At least it’s one day earlier and not another 9 month delay like last year.

One day closer!!!

In the meantime, check out the newest commercial:


28 days until G.I. Joe Retaliation – Storm Shadow

Twitter user Twitziller continues his “40 Reasons to Be Excited About G.I. Joe Retaliation” series with today’s image: Storm Shadow!

One of Larry Hama’s INFINITE contributions to the G.I. Joe mythos was the tale of Thomas Arashikage also known as Storm Shadow.  Whereas the Sunbow animated series presented the Cobra Ninja as a spooky sounding foil for the G.I. Joe Tracker Spirit, the Marvel Comics series took a decidedly different approach.  Storm Shadow was shown to be working for Cobra only to find out the true identity of his uncle’s killer.  Once he had this information, Thomas did the only thing he could– contacted Snake Eyes, set aside their differences, and went on a two-ninja assault of Cobra Island!  Later, he’s put aside his ties to Cobra entirely, join the Joe team, and even serve as a mentor to Cobra Commander’s son Billy.

In the film universe, as portrayed by Byung-hun Lee, Storm Shadow is portrayed as a conflicted mentor to the Baroness who is at odds with his own past.  It looks like G.I. Joe Retaliation is going to confront head-on the real story as to who killed the cinematic Hard Master!  It also looks like Tommy will be fighting on the side of angels before the film is over.  Either way, I’ll be there opening night popcorn in hand!

Check out Twitziller’s previous entries in the series below.  We’re getting closer, gang.  Closer every day!

27 days to go!

29 days until G.I. Joe Retaliation – assault VTOL

Twitter user Twitziller continues his “40 Reasons to Be Excited About G.I. Joe Retaliation” series with today’s image: assault VTOL!

In the last film, members of the G.I. Joe team were ferried around in a silver VTOL called a “Howler”.  (It always looked like a featureless glider wrapped in aluminum foil to me.)  This time around, the Joe’s ride is a bit detailed in the form of the yet-to-be-named assault VTOL craft.  It’s a sturdier-looking craft which happens to bear more than a passing resemblance to a Cobra Rattler.   It’s a nice design homage that shows that the production designers took the time to look through the source material for reference.  We’ve no idea how this craft will be used in the film or whether or not it will see much in the way of action, but it did a plastic representation in the form of the Ghost Hawk II!

Check out Twitziller’s previous entries in the series below.  We’re getting closer, gang.  Closer every day!

29 days to go!

30 days until G.I. Joe Retaliation – practical effects

Twitter user Twitziller continues his “40 Reasons to Be Excited About G.I. Joe Retaliation” series with today’s image: practical effects!

The modern cinematic world is one dominated by CGI.  More often than is necessary, filmmaker’s fall back on computer generated imagery to solve any and all manner of problems.  From removing unwanted elements such as safety harnesses to changing a character’s eye color, CG has become incredibly common place.  Yet, there is a certain plausibility that comes from practical effects that digital effects still can’t replace.  Go back and watch the old Bond films and you’ll see what I mean– that guy jumping off of a cliff on skis really did jump off of a cliff on skis!  The eye can tell it’s not faked and therefore the scene has a higher level of tension.

G.I. Joe Retaliation appears to be going that route as well.  Real effects involving real stunt work.  I’m not saying that there isn’t any CGI in the film nor am I saying that CGI can’t be impressive but there’s something to be said about doing things the old-fashioned way.

Check out Twitziller’s previous entries in the series below.   The days until the film’s release are getting fewer and fewer in number!

29 days to go!

31 days until G.I. Joe Retaliation – rappelling assault!

Twitter user Twitziller continues his “40 Reasons to Be Excited About G.I. Joe Retaliation” series with today’s image: rappelling assault!

High octane plausible action: this is what much of G.I. Joe Retaliation seems to be based upon!  While the shots of ninjas swinging around a mountaintop retreat appear to use a significant amount of CGI, it’s shots like this that showcase a real world practical effects approach to action.  It’s the kind of sequence that you’d have seen back in heyday of the action movie– the 1980’s!  Roadblock is going for “shock & awe” in this sequence and, unless Cobra troopers have nerves of steel, the sight of a 6″+ heavyweight fast roping down with a SAW should be enough to send them running back to Cobra-La!  (Yes, I went there.)

Check out Twitziller’s previous entries in the series below.   The days until the film’s release are getting fewer and fewer in number!

30 days to go!

32 days until G.I. Joe Retaliation – Cobra helicopter

Twitter user Twitziller continues his “40 Reasons to Be Excited About G.I. Joe Retaliation” series with today’s image: Cobra helicopter

Going back to the original G.I. Joe: A Real American Hero toyline it’s pretty obvious that Cobra has always had some really innovative vehicles.  From high-speed tanks like the HISS, to the powered CLAW glider, to the one man helicopter the FANG, the armies of the serpent have had a solid technological edge.  In the trailers for G.I. Joe Retaliation we’ve been given the briefest of glimpses at this new piece of Cobra’s aerial arsenal and it’s left this Joe fan wanting more!  Sleek, black, and sporting the Cobra logo– it’s the perfect type of weapon to fit into Cobra Commander’s stable.  (Why there wasn’t a toy version, I’ll never know.)  Regardless of the role it plays in the film, it’s just another piece of the puzzle that forms my anticipation for this film!

Check out Twitziller’s previous entries in the series below.   I for one cannot wait until I can post “0 days until G.I. Joe Retaliation”!

32 days to go!

JBL Review: G.I. Joe Retaliation Tread Ripper tank!

G.I. Joe Retaliation Tread Ripper tank


G.I. Joe Retaliation is hitting theatres in just over a month and, for the first time in a long time, new product is hitting store shelves!  With a recent restock at a local Kmart, I was able to snag not only the wave 2.5 figures but also a tiny armored vehicle that has a very real world inspiration.  That’s right– I’m talking about the Tread Ripper tank!  Based on the Howe & Howe Tech Ripsaw tank, the tiny Tasmanian Devil of an armored vehicle is one of the newest vehicles that fans can add to their G.I. Joe motor pool!  However, just because something is new doesn’t necessarily mean it’s worth purchasing right?  Does that question apply to the Tread Ripper?

Check out the review at the G.I. Joe Retaliation Review Index and find out one Joe fan’s opinion!