The G.I. Joe Collector’s Club has a Cyber-Monday surprise in the form of FSS 7 Kangor!
Code Name: KANGOR
(Inspired by the Brazilian exclusive action figure.)
Includes: removable harness, boxing gloves/hands,
dumbbell weights x 2, kangaroo, and figure stand.
Well, this preview of Kangor shouldn’t come as a surprise to anyone!
Let’s be honest– the 2013 FSS 1 Big Boa was pretty much the best figure of that initial wave of Club offerings. He was a perfect update of the original 1987 vintage Cobra Trainer— right down to the boxing gloves. Since his release, he’s become one of the most sought-after FSS figures and commands big bucks on the secondary market. Therefore, the Club made him available again but with a twist.
The original G.I. Joe molds were released all over the world including in Brazil where they were part of the Forca Fera. Once such member of that team was Kangor, a repaint of the US release of Big Boa with a few differences. His color palatte seems to lean a few hues darker than his American counterpart and his helmet was painted black instead of white. (Oooh– like he’s the Mirror Universe version of Big Boa!) He also came with an included kangaroo as did most of his Forca Fera counterparts because, well, reasons.
Big Boa was one of the only FSS 1 figures to feature new tooling. Given the Club’s penchant for maximizing their mileage from newly-tooled parts, Kangor seemed inevitable. For those fans who weren’t able to snag an affordable Boa the first time around this FSS 7 figure will allow them to fill a gap in their 1987 lineup. For those folks who either already have that first figure or aren’t huge fans of the International repaints, this is either an alternate uniform for the Cobra Trainer or a figure to pass on to a fellow collector. (Plus, a dude that boxes a kangaroo has great worries than G.I. Joe– he’s on the lam from PETA!)
For those who are keeping score, here’s the roster of FSS 7:
- Arctic Cobra Commander – based on the cancelled two-pack version
- Budo – G.I. Joe Samurai
- Crystal Ball – Cobra Hypnotist
- Dreadnok Salvage Crew – Code name: Dreadnok Kaos
- Dusty & Sandstorm (v3) – DiC era Desert Trooper and coyote
- General Hawk (1991) – DiC era jet pack version
- Ice Viper Officer – based on the Club’s Flaming Moth version
- Kangor – International repaint of Big Boa
- Stalker (Tundra Ranger) – DiC era cold weather version with kayak
- Treadmark (aka Skidmark) – the Desert Fox driver returns
- Tiger Force Kim “Jinx” Arashikage – based on the 2003 six-pack version
- Tomax – inspired by the Shattered Glass/Sunbow look
The FSS 7 page is LIVE now and accepting subscriptions! The cost of the thirteen figure set (including the bonus piece) is $375.00 plus shipping. Place your order prior to December 4, 2017 and keep your eyes peeled to for more previews.