G.I. Joe FSS 8 Payload is out of this world!

The G.I. Joe Collector’s Club has unveiled the preview of their upcoming FSS 8 Payload!

G.I. Joe Collector's Club FSS 8 Payload

Code Name: PAYLOAD
(Inspired by the 1987 action figure.)
Includes: removable helmet, MMU backpack,
control arms x 2, and figure stand.

Be honest– did you ever think we’d have a modern update to the G.I. Joe shuttle pilot?

Of all of the figures on the FSS 8 roster, Payload was likely to be the hardest to pull off.  Simply put– there aren’t a lot of parts out there that can emulate the original 1987 Payload very easily.  The shuttle astronaut featured a fairly unique build with a lot of specialized parts.

Enter the 2013 Retaliation Data Viper

The bulk of the FSS 8 Payload’s build comes from the very space-age Data Viper.  The harness, hand units, micro-missile launchers, and the entire body have been re-purposed here.  Toss in the helmet of the Pusuit of Cobra Skydive and you’ve got yourself one heck of an astronaut build!  That color deco alone sells it!

The biggest surprise of all, however, is what appears to be the reuse of the 2011 Eco-Warriors Clean Sweep head.  Seriously– this wasn’t even on my radar as a potential parts option.  Totally loving this!  (It could also be the 2012 renewal Footloose as well.  Hard to tell under the helmet.)

I never owned a Defiant as a kid.  As such, Hardtop and Payload were never on my radar as a fan.  However, this figure has jumped straight to the top of the FSS 8 roster in this Joe fan’s opinion!

And, for those filling out their BINGO cards, here’s the full roster for G.I. Joe FSS 8:

To sign-up for the series and get your own Captain Grid-Iron, visit the FSS 8 sign-up page before May 2, 2018 today!


2 thoughts on “G.I. Joe FSS 8 Payload is out of this world!

  1. There IS another possibility for the head sculpt–it could be that of the Leoric from the Revolution boxed set from last year.

    • The more I look at it the more I think you’re right. For some reason I assumed the SDCC heads were off limits (based on the lack of Matt Trakker for either Hardball or Bullet-Proof) but now I’m not so sure.

      Now if only we’d get that Leoric head used for Hector Ramirez!

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