A few weeks back JBL reported that “noted author” James Kavanaugh was releasing a new reference book entitled Rank & File centered on the “no-ring” era of G.I. Joe figures. Now, we’re happy to report that Rank & File is now available online!
That’s right, the first volume of this amazing guide series to the “modern era” of G.I. Joe is available for just $20 + shipping. (US & International)
Trust me, Rank & File lives up the high standard set by the RAHC Guide that covered 1997 – 2007. I was fortunate enough to pick up a copy at Joe Con 2015 from “the man himself” and have been pouring through it ever since. (Expect a review in the near future! Really!) From the detailed photography to the intuitive layout, this book is sure to become a “much used tome” on your G.I. Joe reference shelf!
So run, don’t walk, over to RAHCGuide.com and snag your copy of Rank & File v1 now! Quantities are limited and you won’t want to miss out on this terrific companion to your ARAH Generation 3 G.I. Joe collection!