It looks like it’s time to start reading the Cobra Civil War. IDW has this to say about Cobra Civil War #0
G.I. JOE: Cobra Civil War #0
Chuck Dixon, Mike Costa (w) • Javier Saltares, Antonio Fuso, Agustin Padilla (a) • Tom Feister, Fuso, Gabriele Dell’Otto (c)COBRA CIVIL WAR BEGINS HERE! The Commander is dead! Long live… Cobra Commander?! But the questions is, who will BE the NEXT Cobra Commander?! The role of Commander must be filled—now the most lethal and cunning Cobra operatives will COMPETE TO REIGN SUPREME. The winner—he who kills the most G.I. JOES—will take the reins of COBRA! Bonus: Ninja Force!!!!! Yeah, baby! 30 big pages of story at regular price! This is the place to jump on board and see what everyone’s been talking about!
*3 regular covers will be shipped in a 1-to-1-to-1 basis
FC • 40 pages • $3.99The hunt for the new Cobra Commander will run through all three new G.I. Joe series beginning with next month’s three debuts: G.I. Joe #1, Cobra #1, and Snake Eyes #1!
I have mixed feelings about this event. While it is bound to make for some interesting reading, I feel that it happened almost a bit too quickly. We had only just began to get a real glimpse of the current IDW Commander- less used-car salesman and pyramid scheme manager and more of a classic James Bond shadow leader– when he was assassinated by Chuckles in the now infamous single panel kill shot. I’ve enjoyed IDW’s run on G.I. Joe so far when it has strayed into new territory so I’m still along for the ride. Still… I think this event might have had more impact if readers had been exposed to the now-deceased Commander just a bit more.
The following are the titles are hitting comic shops this week from IDW Publishing
Angel 100-Page Spectacular (Nick Runge Regular Cover), $7.99
Eternal Descent Volume 1 TP, $24.99
G.I. JOE Cobra Civil War #0 (Cover A Antonio Fuso), $3.99
G.I. JOE Cobra Civil War #0 (Cover B Gabriele Dell’Otto), $3.99
G.I. JOE Cobra Civil War #0 (Cover C Tom Feister), $3.99
G.I. JOE Cobra Civil War #0 (Javier Saltares Variant Cover), AR
G.I. JOE Cobra Civil War #0 (Tom Feister Cover Gallery Book), AR
G.I. JOE Cobra Civil War #0 (Incentive Lithograph), AR
G.I. JOE Cobra #1 (Hundred Penny Press Edition), $1.00
G.I. JOE Cobra Commander Tribute 100-Page Spectacular (Antonio Fuso Regular Cover), $7.99
Next Men #5 (John Byrne Regular Cover), $3.99
Next Men #5 (John Byrne Sketch Variant Cover), AR
Spike #7 (Of 8)(Nick Runge Regular Cover), $3.99
Spike #7 (Of 8)(Jenny Frison Variant Cover), AR
Star Trek Countdown #1 (Hundred Penny Press Edition), $1.00
Transformers #18 (Cover A Marcelo Matere), $3.99
Transformers #18 (Cover B Nick Roche), $3.99
Transformers #18 (Marcelo Matere Sketch Design Variant Cover), AR
Transformers Rising Storm #3 (Of 4)(Brian Rood Regular Cover), $3.99
Transformers Rising Storm #3 (Of 4)(Carlos Magno Variant Cover), AR