Joe Con 2017: Meet Battle Force 2000 Blaster

Registration for Joe Con 2017 is now LIVE and we’ve got another preview: Battle Force 2000 Blaster!

G.I. Joe Con 2017 Battle Force 2000 Blaster

G.I. JOE BF 2000 TEAM:
Brian “Blaster” Davis

– 25th Anniversary Style/Fully Poseable Action Figure.
– 1st Modern Era Release of Character based on 1987 design.
– NEW Head Sculpt and includes removable Holster, Knife,
Assault Rifle, original DK-528 Laser weapon,
with G.I. Joe Logo Stand.

(Note: Photo depicts action figure mock-up and final product may slightly differ.)

Now THAT’S what I’m talking about! Battle Force 2000 Blaster is looking GOOD!

Let’s be honest– reaction to the Joe Con 2017 preview images so far has been pretty mixed.  Fans seemed to like Maverick and Avalanche and they were lukewarm to both Dodger and Knockdown.  With only three figure designs left to show, it was up to the Club to turn the tide with the remaining figures.

Blaster does a pretty solid job in that department.  Yes, it’s the return of the tried and true PoC Duke torso that has been used by the Club for both Psyche-Out and Barrell Roll. I think I’m seeing the PoC Jungle Viper arms and at least the lower legs of of the amazing PoC Snake Eyes.  For the most part, it’s a decent match to the original 1987 Blaster design.  I’m still not 100% sold on retooling the vintage weapons but c’est la vie.

I’m very curious to see what this head sculpt looks like in a non-digital sense.  It’s still hard to get a feel for what Blaster will really look like from this Photoshop preview.

With this preview we’re down to two previews remaining– Blocker and the new BAT v1.8 — of which there will be eight included in the set.

In case you’re keeping score, here’s the roster and all of the previews shown thus far:

Battle Force 2000:


According to the convention brochure, this year’s Joe Con 2017 boxed set will retail for $410.00.  Also, there’s no word on souvenir pricing at this time although it’s a safe bet that prices will remain at or around levels seen in both 2015 and 2016.  Regardless, it will be interesting to see how the Club intends to replicate the signature vehicles of this DARPA-inspired team.  Could another RHINO re-release be in the works?

For more information on this year’s event at Walt Disney World, visit!

3 thoughts on “Joe Con 2017: Meet Battle Force 2000 Blaster

  1. Here’s the parts layout:
    -New head and retooled ’87 weapon
    -POC Duke torso
    -Resolute Duke (jetpack/arctic version) upper arms
    -ROC (shirtless) Storm Shadow lower arms (with POC Shock Trooper hands)
    -Retaliation GI Joe Trooper thighs and rifle
    -POC Snake Eyes lower legs and knife
    -25th Anniversary General Hawk shoulder holster

  2. We’ll see how the head sculpt fares from this photoshopped “America’s Most Wanted” mobster mug.

    I was REALLY hoping for a removable helmet with blonde hair (and molded headphones) underneath to homage Blaster’s debut in issue #68 of the comic. They might not even go with the vintage figure’s black hair going by this preview pic. That makes it two strikes for me.

    Looking back at BF 2000’s debut in issue #68’s cover, the odds of getting Backstop and/or the Persuader as a souvenir extra is pretty much a given since they all appeared there together.

    Blocker is my second favorite BF 2000 figure after Dodger. He will either make or break the set for me regardless of the B.A.T. reveal.

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