The G.I. Joe Collector’s Club starts the week off with another preview from the roster of the Figure Subscription Service 3.0. Today’s image of of the team’s expert swamp fighter- Muskrat!
I really like the 1988 version of Muskrat but I grew to like the G.I. Joe Collector’s Club Nocturnal Fire version that was released just over a year ago. However, as nice as the blue version is this green one is better! Plus, for those fans out his boogie board the Club has produced a brand new version!
It is interesting to note that Muskrat has some changes to his kit including the Kwinn’s rifle and a different combat shotgun. Plus, he comes equipped with the Pursuit of Cobra Recondo’s bear trap!. In addition, it looks like he’s sporting the Resolute Cobra Trooper’s backpack this time around.
I was a bit skeptical about the reuse of so many Nocturnal Fire characters in this round of the FSS but even this stodgy Joe fan has to admit that seeing the original color schemes on characters like Muskrat and Psyche-Out stokes the old fires of nostalgia more than just a little.
It’s another solid preview of a very solid roster. If you’ve not already subscribed to FSS 3.0, you’ll want to do so before June 30, 2014!
Muskrat is my favorite 1988 recruit and overall character from that particular year. To say that I’m enthusiastic over this updated version would be an understatement. I love the new and improved boogie board! Muskrat’s gear suits him to a tee here, right down to the cool backpack he never got 26 years ago. This will easily be one of my favorite figures from the 2014 sub.