G.I. Joe fans are a lucky group sometimes. Compared to other fandoms, we have some of the most detailed and organized online resources on the internet. Looking for when a figure was released? Check out YoJoe.com. Interesting in perusing custom work? Hit JoeCustoms.com. Need some diorama inspiration? JoeDios.com and DioWarriors.com have got your back. Plus, let’s not forget the plethora of Joe review sites out there from GeneralsJoes.com to JoeADay.com to JBL (when I get updates posted.) However, if you’re looking for 3D turnarounds of your G.I. Joe figures– look no further than 3DJoes.com! Taking the fandom by storm last year, 3DJoes has consistently updated their site with figures and vehicles all the way through 1989 with no signs of stopping.
Like any fansite, however, there are costs involved. In order to keep 3DJoes.com spinning, the minds behind the site are offering a unique and exciting fundraiser that’s sure to be the highlight of any Joe fan’s wall!
Posters are on the way!
The first 3DJoes poster will feature every figure from 1982-89. The second will feature every figure from 1990-94. There will be a whopping 244 figs on the first poster and 236 on the second. They will each be 24″W x 36″H.
The image to the right shows the first poster, which is currently in progress. I have made it through 1988. The last four rows are just placeholder Night Force Falcons (a personal favorite). As soon as I find and document the last six 1989 Night Force figures (if you have them, please contact me using the links at the top) then I’ll be able to finish up 1989 and finish this poster.
The image below shows a close up of what the poster will look like. I’m currently going into Photoshop to clean up the images and digitally remove the figure stands. It’s going to be awesome!
The first poster, “3DJoes of the 80s” should be available in the next few weeks. Cost will be determined by the quality of paper you want, and I’m probably going to use Zazzle for distribution. Proceeds will help pay the $80/month that I have to start shelling out to Arqball for the 3D photos. Viewers enjoyed 47,000 spins last month and the kickstarter grace period has finally worn off, so now I have to start paying for the pro subscription. More info on that here: Pricing » Arqball Spin Blog
If you want 3DJoes on your wall, please submit your contact info below and I’ll email you as soon as the first poster is ready to order. If you’re not already following @3DJoes on twitter, then please do… and tell your fellow G.I. Joe friends.
Help me get the word out and keep 3DJoes spinning ad free!
Seriously, the 3DJoes site is one of the more unique twists on a figure archive to drop on any fandom in a long time. As such, I’d like to see it continue on for a good long time. Plus, the concept of one giant poster covering the A Real American Hero figures from ’82 – ’89 is pure awesome! What Joe fan isn’t going to want one of these on the wall of their office/studio/Joe room? Just check out the preview images below!
Hit the 3D Joes Merchandise page and drop your contact information if you’re interested in learning more.
Looks great!
So cool! Would be awesome to have on the wall
I appreciate your support!