This just landed in my inbox this morning:
The Joe Declassified Project will return to the G.I.Joe Collector’s Convention this year, and arriving back with a bang. For those that were able to visit us last year, you were privy to see some of the the coolest and most revealing Joe items of your collecting career. This year, we plan to return with more of the same, as well as another issue of our free newsletter! This one will be printed in full color, and come in at over 20 pages of Joe material, including a huge behind the scenes peek at DDP’s WWIII storyline by Mike O’Sullivan himself. Check out last year’s newsletter here. If you love this hobby like we do, then come on by our booth!
The Joe Declassified Mission Statement:
We feel that it is high time that we, the fans of G.I.Joe, take up the responsibility of ensuring the growth of our hobby – both in wealth of knowledge, and broadening the fan base to welcome everyone into the overarching community. As collectors, we have all spoken of, or heard others speak of things they wish to see in the community; secrets to be revealed, collecting tools made available, and so forth. We aim to go out of our way to ensure these voices are heard, and these desires become reality. We wish to work with other existing groups that are fan owned, operated and oriented, and seek to put aside those here solely to profit at the collectors expense; those who hold no love for our hobby.
We are putting our money where our mouth is. None of our endeavors will be for profit. A stronger, collaborative community is reward enough. Our newsletter was, and will continue to be, free to the collector. Our website aims to aid fellow collectors in every way possible, while stripping away old trappings that have discouraged us all in the past. With you, we will forge a stronger and united community based on sharing, inclusion and assistance. Now is the time for us to all come together and lead G.I.JOE back to being the number one toy brand is has been various times in the past. With you, we can make this happen. The future is yours.
Thank you for making this hobby better,
Sam “Nomad” Damon
Watch for coverage of this booth in the forthcoming convention coverage!
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