The G.I. Joe Collector’s Club isn’t content to let me post one update today for the FSS 2.0! Nope, they’ve got to unveil TWO more characters in the second round of the Figure Subscription Service: Desert Scorpion and Widescope!
Desert Scorpion:
Fans have been clamoring for the Desert Scorpion ever since the second wave of Mechs was cancelled. (Both Alpine and Desert Scorpion were to be released as mech pilots.) Honestly, he’s not a bad “Franken-Joe” at all and, if my eyes don’t deceive me, that’s the Valor vs. Venom Desert Scorpion insect accessory seeing some new life. Not too shabby at all!
Widescope (and Lamont!):
I’m a sucker for new characters and the GvC era of G.I. Joe was chock-full of them. Sure, we have Shockwave (sorry… SHOCKBLAST) in the Generation 3 era already but who’s to say that the Joes can have only one SWAT specialist? Plus, Widescope comes complete with Lamont– his trust canine partner! With Mutt & Junkyard, Law & Order, and now Widescope & Lamont the Joes are going to have a pretty full kennel! (No, I didn’t forget about Timber– but he walks alone.)
Remember, the deadline to sign-up is May 22, 2013! Check out the Figure Subscription Service 2.0 page at for more details!