Q & A Round 3 2010 Answers!

Hasbro's Q & A sessions

Hasbro returned their answers to your questions from Round 3 of the bi-monthly GIJoe Q&A. 

1) In the past we the fans have been able to utilize the Q & A as a way to express to the Joe design team what characters we would like for them to bring back to figure form, What is the best way for us to get that message out to them now?


2) Is the POC line (or a new theme line) going to continue alongside the Cartoon line until the Joe Movie II line starts?
A-2) The Pursuit of Cobra line will end when the G.I. Joe Renegades line hits stores. Unfortunately it is still too early to discuss a line in support of any possible movie sequel.

3) Can tell us anything more about this new cartoon, like are they going to stick to the core of the original characters or are we going to see more gender and race swapping. Are you going to keep dynamics like Flint & Lady Jaye?

A-3) G.I. Joe Renegades can be viewed as an origins story for the 1980’s G.I. Joe vs. Cobra saga. In this way, the core essence and spirit of the brand and key characters will be clearly recognizable in the show to fans of the 1980’s. But as with most “re-imaginings” there may be some differences versus the 80’s.

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