Catching up with COBRA

Howdy fellow Joes!!

Wow, what a weekend!! The GIJCC International Convention was a success and everyone had a blast!

In light of IDW’s issue #155 1/2 (and the continuation of the Marvel run), the upcoming PoC line, the announcement of a new ‘toon and the fact that ‘G.I. Joe 2’ is going to start production soon, board member ‘M6D’ has worked his magic with the help of our friends over at to gather a running history of COBRA from the end of the Marvel run.

Catching up with COBRA is a pdf styled briefing report that will get you all geared up for what’s to come from our favorite ‘Real American Heroes’ and their ‘Ruthless Terrorist Organization’ counterparts-with this focus clearly on Cobra Commander and his cronies!!

So pop open a bottle of grape soda, tear into that box of chocolate donuts and start scrolling through!!